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Debra Kawahara

Debra Kawahara

Debra M. Kawahara, Ph.D., is Associate Dean of Academic Affairs and Distinguished Professor at the California School of Professional Psychology, Alliant International University. Dr. Kawahara is a multicultural feminist scholar whose work centers on intersectionality and social justice, women’s issues, leadership, and the integration of early Buddhism into psychotherapy. She is widely published and has presented extensively. In 2018, she became the Editor-in-Chief for the journal Women & Therapy. She is also a licensed psychologist and has a private practice where she counsels individuals, couples, and families as well as consults with organizations.   

Her current leadership roles include being the 2024 president-elect of the American Psychological Association (APA) and a member of the APA Strategic Planning Advisory Group. She has previously served as a member-at-large on the APA Board of Directors, a representative on the APA Council of Representatives, an APA Finance Committee member, an Advisory Committee member for the Leadership Institute for Women in Psychology, Divisions of Social Justice representative, and a National Council of Schools and Programs in Professional Psychology delegate.

Several awards have been bestowed to her: APA Presidential Citation; Shining Star Award at the National Multicultural Conference & Summit; APA’s Society for the Psychological Study of Culture, Race and Ethnicity’s Distinguished Career Contributions for Service Award; and APA’s Society for the Psychology of Women, Section on Asian Pacific Islander Women’s Pioneer Award. 

Professional Interests
  • Multicultural and community psychology
  • Feminism and women's issues
  • Asian American mental health
  • Integration of early Buddhism into psychotherapy
  • Family therapy and its processes
  • Qualitative research methodology
Education and Certifications
  • Ph.D., Clinical Psychology, Multicultural/Community Emphasis, California School of Professional Psychology, Los Angeles
Scholarship and Contributions to the Field
  • Kawahara, D. M. (2023). Feminist Leadership. Invited APA presentation, Bermuda College. Bermuda.            
  • Yon, N., & Kawahara, D. M. (2022). "Underrepresented and underleveraged: Developing the leadership potential of women of Asian descent." Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, 74(2), 162–177.
  • Kawahara, D. M. (2022). Moving clinical psychology forward in a culturally responsive manner. Invited moderator/discussant for the Society of Clinical Psychology Multicultural Summit. Virtual.
  • Kawahara, D. M. (2022). A call to action: Future directions for clinical psychology. Invited keynote for the Society of Clinical Psychology at the American Psychological Association annual convention. Minneapolis, MN.
  • Tien, L., & Kawahara, D. M. (2021). "Application from Buddhist Psychotherapy to life in a pandemic." Japan U.S. Psychological Institute newsletter.
  • Cunningham, P. B., Foster, S. L., Kawahara, D. M., Robbins, M. S., & Bryan, S. (2020). "Strategies therapists use to manage midtreatment problems they encounter implementing evidence-based interventions in community settings." Family Process.
  • Kawahara, D. M. (2019). "Diversity issues in supervision: Burnout, compassion fatigue, vicarious trauma, and historical trauma." In T. R. Burnes & J. E. Manese (Eds.), Cases in multicultural clinical supervision: Models, lenses, and applications (pp. 65-77). San Diego, CA: Cognella.
  • Pitts, C., & Kawahara, D. M. (Eds.) (2018). Radical visionaries: Feminist therapist pioneers. New York: Taylor & Francis.

Randall Wyatt

Randall Wyatt

Randall C. Wyatt, PhD, is a clinical psychologist, Professor, and Director of Professional Training in the clinical psychology doctoral program at the California School of Professional Psychology, San Francisco at Alliant International University. He is core faculty in the PsyD program and Director of Professional Training of the PsyD and PhD program. Dr. Wyatt teaches graduate courses in ethics, law and psychology, practice management for psychotherapists, dissertation research, and spirituality and psychotherapy. He has been on core faculty at CSPP, SF since 2007.

Dr. Wyatt maintains a clinical practice in Oakland, California focused on trauma, sports psychology, couples therapy, law enforcement assessment and has directed counseling centers focused on integration of spirituality and psychotherapy. He is an active member of the Huston Smith Center for Psychological and Spiritual Development and serves on the executive committee. Dr. Wyatt can be contacted at Dr. Wyatt graduated from CSPP San Francisco with a PhD in Clinical Psychology after he earned his master's degree in psychology from Sacramento State University.

Professional Interests
  • Creative arts and psychology
  • Technology and psychology
  • Psychotherapy and trauma
  • The therapeutic relationship
  • Spirituality and psychotherapy
  • Sports psychology
  • Cultural anthro-psychological approaches to diversity.
Education and Certifications
  • PhD, Clinical Psychology, California School of Professional Psychology, Berkeley/Alameda
  • Practice Management for Psychotherapists
  • Proposal Design for Disssertation
  • Integration of Spirituality and Psychotherapy
  • Brief Psychotherapy
  • Clinical and Ethical Issues
Scholarship and Contributions to the Field
  • Wyatt, R. C. (2017, February 20). "A mindfulness and acceptance approach to insomnia, sleep and waking life." [Review of the book Mindfulness-based therapy for insomnia by Jason Ong, 2017], PsycCRITIQUES, 62, 8, Article 2.
  • Wyatt, R. C. (2014, January 6). "Self-help, stages of change, and Obama's habit: Can science and Norcross deliver?" [Review of the book Changeology: 5 easy steps to realizing your goals and resolution by John C. Norcross 2012], PsycCRITIQUES, 59, 1, Article 2.
  • Wyatt, R. C. (2012, September). "Practical and Creative Ways to Increase Revenue in Your Practice." (Review of the Book Billing and Collecting for Your Mental Health Practice: Effective Strategies and Ethical Practice by J. E. Barnett & S. Walfish.) PsycCRITIQUES 57 (38).
  • Wyatt, .R. C. & Sutton, W. K. (2010, July). "Why aren't more therapists doing family therapy? And what to do about it!" Association of Family Therapists of Northern California Newsletter (8-12). Retrieved August 23, 2010 from
  • Wyatt, R. C. & Yalom, V. (2008, February). An Interview with Owen Renik: Practical psychoanalysis and psychotherapy. San Francisco, CA:
  • Wyatt, R. C. & Yalom, V. (2007, April). An Interview with Stephanie Brown: Psychotherapy with addictions. San Francisco, CA:
  • Wyatt, R.C. (2006). An Interview with Susan Heitler: Conflict-focused couples therapy. SF, CA.
  • Wyatt, R. C. (2006). An Interview with Kenneth Hardy: Diversity, Social Justice and Psychotherapy., SF, CA.
  • Wyatt, R. C. (January, 2006). An Interview with Monica McGoldrick: Family therapy and diversity. SF, CA.
  • Wyatt, R. C. (Winter, 2004). Interview with Thomas Szasz: Liberty and the Practice of Psychotherapy. Journal of Humanistic Psychology.
  • Wyatt, .R. C. (May/June 2001). 1,000 Weddings and an Autopsy: An Interview with John Gottman. New Therapist, (20-26).
  • Wyatt, R. C. (Winter, 2000). Interview with John Gottman: Couples therapy and marriage., SF, CA.
  • Wyatt, R. C. & Livson, N. (June, 1994). The not so great divide? Psychologists and psychiatrists take stands on the medical and psychosocial models of mental illness. Professional Psychology: Research & Practice.
  • Wyatt, R. C. (2009-2011). Addictions self assessment tests for alcohol, drug, sex, shopping, gambling, tobacco, and food addictions. Self Tests: Clovis, CA.
  • Wyatt, R. C., Sacks, D., Cornish, J., & O'Banion, M. (3rd edition) (2015, June 23). Manual for directors of clinical training for the NCSPP association. Published on, The National Council of Schools and Programs of Professional Psychology.
  • Wyatt, R. C. (2012). William Miller on motivational interviewing (with Randall C. Wyatt) (Video). San Francisco, CA:
  • Wyatt, R. C. (2011). The therapeutic relationship, individualized treatment and other keys to successful psychotherapy by John Norcross (Video). San Francisco, CA:
  • Wyatt, R. C. (2009). What works in psychotherapy: Scott Miller with Randall C. Wyatt (Video). San Francisco, CA:
  • Wyatt, R. C. (2008). Harville Hendrix and the healing relationship with Randall C. Wyatt (Video). San Francisco, CA:
  • Wyatt, R. C. (2008). Positive psychology and psychotherapy: Martin Seligman with Randall C. Wyatt (Video). San Francisco, CA:
  • Wyatt, R. C. & Yalom, V. (2005). Irvin Yalom: Live case consultation (Video). San Francisco, CA:
  • Carr, D, Wyatt, R. C. & Yalom, V. (2003). Couples therapy: An introduction. (Video). Co-Producer and Interviewer. San Francisco, CA:
  • Wyatt, R. C. & Yalom, V. (2002). The gift of therapy: An interview with Irvin Yalom, M.D. (Video). San Francisco, CA:

John Caffaro

john caffaro

Dr. John Caffaro joined the California School of Professional Psychology (CSPP) at Alliant International University in 1992. He currently serves as Distinguished Professor in the Psy.D. program at CSPP - Los Angeles. He also holds an appointment as Assistant Clinical Professor at the University of California, San Diego, School of Medicine, Child Psychiatry Residency Training Program and is in private practice in Del Mar, California.

Dr. Caffaro is an internationally recognized expert on sibling violence and sexual abuse having published two seminal books in this area and has trained mental health professionals across the United States, Europe and Asia for more than 25 years. He currently serves as Associate Editor of the International Journal of Group Psychotherapy, is on the Editorial Boards of the Journal of Child Sexual Abuse and Journal of Family Violence, and has authored numerous peer-reviewed publications on treating adult survivors of sibling violence and sexual abuse, systemic approaches to treating survivors of interpersonal trauma, and group psychotherapy. He has appeared on CNN, and been interviewed numerous times by the NY Times, Washington Post, BuzzFeed, Boston Globe, LA Times, VICE News, and London Times. He is an elected Fellow in APA Divisions 43, 56, and 37 and was recently honored with the Distinguished Contribution to Family Psychology award granted by the American Psychological Association, Division (43) Society for Family Psychology.

He draws on more than 25 years of private practice experience working with trauma treatment and currently divides his time between private practice, teaching, writing, and professional training.

Professional Interests
  • Interpersonal trauma
  • Sibling relationships
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder
  • Adult survivors of childhood trauma
  • Group psychotherapy training and supervision.
Education and Certifications
  • PhD Clinical Psychology, Fielding Graduate Institute, Santa Barbara, CA



  • 2014 Distinguished Contribution to Family Psychology. American Psychological Association, APA Division (43) Society for Family Psychology, Washington, DC.
  • 2004 Award for Teaching Excellence. Child Psychiatry Residency Training Program. University of California at San Diego [UCSD] Department of Psychiatry. La Jolla, CA.
  • 2001 National Group Instructor Designate (AGPA) American Group Psychotherapy Association, NY.
  • 1995 Outstanding Core Faculty Award. California School of Professional Psychology, Alliant International University, Los Angeles, CA.
  • Group Psychotherapy Training and Supervision
  • Evidence Based Practice of Psychotherapy
  • Family Systems Intervention
Scholarship and Contributions to the Field
  • Caffaro, J.V. (2020). Sexual Abuse of Siblings. Handbook of Domestic Violence. Shackelford, T. K. (Ed.) UK: SAGE.
  • Caffaro J. (2020) "Sibling Abuse of Other Children." In: Geffner R., Vieth V., Vaughan- Eden V., Rosenbaum A., Hamberger L., White J. (Eds.) Handbook of Interpersonal Violence Across the Lifespan. NY: Springer.
  • Chang-Caffaro, S. & Caffaro, J.V. (2018). "Differences that make a difference: Diversity and the process group leader." International Journal of Group Psychotherapy, NY: Routledge. DOI: 10.1080/00207284.2018.1469958
  • Shay, J. & Caffaro, J.V. (2017). "AGPA at 75: Past, Present, and Future." International Journal of Group Psychotherapy, 67, (1). NY: Routledge.
  • Shay, J. & Caffaro, J.V. (2017). "AGPA at 75: Past, present, and future." International Journal of Group Psychotherapy, 67, (1). NY: Routledge.
  • Caffaro, J.V. (Winter, 2017). "Adult Survivors of Sibling Abuse: When the Bully is your Brother or Sister." PARIDIGM Magazine 21(1), 4-7 2016 Targeted Publications Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
  • Caffaro, J.V. (2016). "Treating Adult Survivors of Sibling Sexual Abuse: A Relational Strengths-Based Approach." Journal of Family Violence, New York: Springer. DOI 10.1007/s10896-016-9877-0
  • Regas, S., & Caffaro, J. (2015). "Utilizing couple group therapy to resolve the conundrum of relationship." Family Psychologist, 31, 9-10.
  • Caffaro, J.V. (2015). "Interpersonal Integrative Group Therapy." In Encyclopaedia of Theory in Counseling and Psychotherapy. Neukrug, E. (Ed.). SAGE.
  • Caffaro, J.V. (2014). Sibling abuse trauma. 2nd Edition. New York: Routledge.
  • Caffaro, J. (2014). "I'll take the high road." In Complex Dilemmas in Group Therapy: Pathways to Resolution, 2nd Edition. Shay, J. & Motherwell, L. (Eds.), NY: Routledge.
  • Regas, S., Doonan, R., Caffaro, J., & Bakaly, J. (2011). "Family systems practice in residential healthcare: A case for using a sibling-informed group intervention." GROUP, 35:4, 305-318, NY: Mental Health Resources.
  • Caffaro, J. (2011). "Fundamentalism and the search for divinity: The varied role of religion in interfaith couples." Journal of Family Psychotherapy. 22:4, 328-343, NY: Taylor & Francis.
  • Caffaro, J. (2010). "Sibling violence and systems-oriented therapy In Caspi, J. (Ed.)." Sibling Development: Implications for Mental Health Practitioners. NY: Springer
  • Caffaro, J. (2008). "Sibling aggression and maltreatment." European Trauma Bulletin, European Society for Traumatic Stress Studies. 14, (1), 12 - 18. (R)
  • Caffaro, J. (Nov, 2008). "Sibling trauma." The Los Angeles Psychologist. Publication of the Los Angeles County Psychological Association.
  • Caffaro, J. (2008). "Sibling violence." Clinical Update.Family Therapy Magazine, American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy, Washington, D.C.
  • Caffaro, J. (June, 2008). "Sibling incest." Research & Advocacy Digest, Washington Coalition of Sexual Assault Programs, [WCSAP] 10, (2), 4-12.
  • Caffaro, J. (2007). "Sibling Violence and Aggression: Assessment & Clinical Intervention with Children, Families and Adults." In Proceedings of the 5th European Congress on Violence in Clinical Psychiatry, Callaghan, P., Nijman, H., Palmstierna, T., and Oud, N. (Eds.) Netherlands: KAVANAH Publications
  • Caffaro, J.V. & Conn-Caffaro, A. (2005). "Treating sibling abuse families." Aggression and Violent Behavior: A Review Journal, 10 (5), 604-623. UK: Elsevier Press.
  • Schene. P., Caffaro, J., & Fluke, J. (December, 2004). "The importance of assessment in child welfare." Policy & Practice, Vol. 62, (4), American Public Human Services Association (APHSA), Washington, D.C.
  • Caffaro, J.V. & Conn-Caffaro, A. (2003). "Sibling dynamics and group psychotherapy." The International Journal of Group Psychotherapy. 53, (2) NY: Guilford Press
  • Caffaro, J.V. & Conn-Caffaro, A. (1998). "Sibling abuse trauma." Assessment & Intervention with Children, Families, and Adults. NY: Routledge.

Elaine Burke

Dr. Elaine Burke

Dr. Elaine A. Burke is an Associate Professor of Clinical Psychology in the Clinical Psy.D. Program at the Los Angeles campus of Alliant International University. She graduated with a Psy.D. in Clinical Psychology from the University of Denver, School of Professor Psychology (specialization in health psychology). Her internship was at the Mid-Missouri Consortium with a focus on health/medical psychology and neuropsychology. She then did a fellowship in neuropsychology at Long Beach Memorial Medical Center (Long Beach, CA) with an emphasis on pediatric neuropsychology. Following her training, she worked as a staff psychologist at Cumberland Hospital for Children and Adolescents (New Kent, Virginia), was the Director of Psychology and Neuropsychology at Meadowbrook Hospital and had a private practice in Kansas City, Missouri. In 1994, she began working at the California School of Professional Psychology (now part of Alliant International University) in the Multicultural and Community Emphasis area.

Professional Interests
  • Gender roles and culture
  • Health and culture 
  • Assessment and culture
  • International research and clinical applications
  • Immigrants and trauma
  • Diversity training
  • Clinical work with children, particularly from underserved populations
  • Neuropsychology (child, adult, geriatric)
Education and Certifications
  • PsyD in Clinical Psychology
  • California Board of Psychology PSY16722  


Professional Activities

  • APA Division 12 (Society of Clinical Psychology) Board     
  • APA Section IV (Women) in Division 12 (Society of Clinical Psychology) 
  • Division 52 (International Psychology) International Committee for Women   


Professional and Honorary Memberships

  • American Psychology Association (APA)
  • APA Division 12 (Society of Clinical Psychology) 
  • APA Division 52 (International Psychology)
  • APA Division 40 (Clinical Neuropsychology)
  • Seminar in Community Clinical Issues
  • Immigration and Trauma
  • Ethnicity and Mental Health
  • Intercultural Processes and Human Diversity
  • Multicultural Neuropsychology 
Scholarship and Contributions to the Field
  • Burke, E. (2019). "The future of psychotherapy: Should cognitive-behavioral therapy be utilized instead of psychodynamic therapy?" Psychology and Psychotherapy: Research Study, 2(5),
  • Burke, E. (2014). "The development of competence in the supervision of international feminist research." Clinical Psychology of Women, 1(6), 8-13.
  • Burke, E. A. (2009). Incorporating internationalism into diversity training. In J.L. Chin (Ed.), Diversity in Mind and Action. Praeger Press.  
  • Burke, E.A. & Lopez, P.D. (2009).  Disabilities and employment in the United States, Kenya and  the Philippines: A race and class perspective. In C.A. Kendell, E. Gover, & M. Banks (Eds.).  Disabilities: Insights from Across Fields and Around the World. Praeger Press.
  • Burke, E. A. (2020, August).  The psychologist as a political being: Identity, reactions to clients and self-care.  In E. Burke and S. Morris (Co-chairs), The Impact of the Current Legal and Political Climate on Clinical Work with Women. Symposium at the American Psychological Association Conference, Washington, D.C.
  • Onyekwelu, U. & Burke, E. (2020, August).  African immigrants “imported trauma”: Healing through community connections and spirituality.  Poster session conducted at the American Psychological Association Conference, Washington, D.C.   
  • Burke, E. & Morrison, J. (2019, August).  Diversity training course on gender-based experience:  Challenging oppressive beliefs.  In E. Burke (Chair), Engaging Men in Internalizing Oppressive Beliefs.  Symposium conducted at the American Psychological Association Conference, Chicago, IL.   

John Bakaly

john bakaly

Dr. John Bakaly has been a Professor of Psychology in the Clinical Psychology PsyD Program at the California School of Professional Psychology at Alliant International University, Los Angeles Campus since 1992.  He is a faculty member in the Family/Child and Couple Clinical Psychology Emphasis Area.  He teaches courses in the area of clinical interviewing,  systems interventions with family/child/adolescents, family psychology, family violence and divorce and remarriage.  

He cofounded and is on the Training Faculty of the Family Support Services of the Los Angeles, Pasadena, Inland Empire and Stanford Ronald McDonald Houses.  As a primary supervisor, he trains and supervises psychology practicum students, interns, postdocs and MFT students in their work with seriously ill children and their families.

He has been the consulting psychologist at Polytechnic School for over thirty years, an Independent College Preparatory School in Pasadena, CA where he works with students, families and faculty. He currently is a consultant for the school. He has worked extensively with many schools and teachers in the San Gabriel Valley.

He has been in private practice in the West San Gabriel Valley for 30 years specializing with children adolescent, families, parenting, psychological assessment and adult interventions.  

He is a member and Fellow of the American Psychological Association, Society of Family Psychology Division 43.

He holds licenses as both a Psychologist and a Marriage Family Therapist in the State of California.

Professional Interests

Systemic interventions with children, adolescents, and families, parenting, psychological assessment, divorce and remarriage, children with serious illness and their families, LGBTQ children, adolescents, emerging adults and their families and adult interventions.

Education and Certifications
  • Doctorate Degree in Counseling Psychology from the University of Southern California in 1987.
Scholarship and Contributions to the Field
  • Regas, S., Hernandez, M., Bakaly, J. & Doonan, R. (in press.). Family Support Services at Ronald McDonald House Promotes Healing of Seriously Ill Children. In C. Clauss-Ehlers (Ed.), The Cambridge Handbook of Community Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Contextual Perspectives. Cambridge University Press.
  • Regas, S.J, Kostick, K, Bakaly, J.W & Doonan, R. (2017). "Including the self-of-the therapist in clinical training. Couple and Family Psychology: Research and Practice." 6(1), 18-31.
  • Regas, S., Doonan, R., Caffaro, J. & Bakaly, J. (2012). "Family systems practice: A case for sibling-informed group intervention." GROUP: The Journal of the Eastern Group Psychotherapy Society, 35(4), 305-318.
  • Bakaly, J. (2020). Clinical Aspects of a New Agenda for the Psychology of LGBTQ Youth and Emerging Adults. Presentation at the 2020 Annual Conference of APA, Washington, DC.
  • Leader and organizer of an APA-Pre Convention Workshop, A New Agenda for the Psychology of LGBTQ Youth and Emerging Adults, August 7th, 2019 at the Chicago School of Professional Psychology in Chicago before the APA 2019 Annual Convention.

Gerald Michaels

Dr. Gerald Michaels

Gerald Michaels, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor in the Clinical Psychology Psy.D. Program at the California School of Professional Psychology (CSPP) of Alliant International University, San Francisco Campus, where he has taught since 1988. He earned his Masters Degree in Clinical Psychology from Michigan State University and his Ph.D. in clinical psychology and developmental psychology from the University of Michigan. His scholarly interests and publications are in the areas of parent-child interaction and children's psychosocial development, family relationships, divorce and child custody, adolescent involvement in the juvenile justice system, and child and adolescent assessment. He is co-director of the CSPP Assessment Clinic located at Alliant's San Francisco Campus. He teaches courses in child and adult psychological assessment, divorce and child custody, and school-based mental health.

Professional Interests
  • Developmental psychopathology, transition to parenthood
  • Parents' and children's social perceptions in the family
  • Parent skills training
  • Children of divorce
  • School- based mental health
Education and Certifications
  • PhD, University of Michigan
  • Psychological Assessment
  • Research Proposal Design
  • School-Based Mental Health
  • Child Assessment

Rhoda Olkin

Rhoda Olkin

Dr. Rhoda Olkin has been training clinicians for over thirty years and was a practicing clinician since 1983. She is the coordinator of the Child/Family Track in the PsyD program and teaches the C/FT sections of several classes. She has written three books on the overlap between disability studies and clinical psychology, from a social model and social justice perspective. She is the developer of Disability-Affirmative Therapy and is a frequent presenter and trainer on this topic. 

Professional Interests

Her research specialities are in disability, chronic illness, diagnosis, and health equity. She takes a nonpathologizing and distributive justice approach in her research. 

Education and Certifications
  • Ph.D., University of California Santa Barbara
  • B.A., Stanford University

  • Observation and Interviewing
  • Advanced Psychopathology
  • Couple Therapy
  • Working with Clients with disabilities
  • Theory & Technique: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Research Proposal Design 
  • Dissertation 
Scholarship and Contributions to the Field

Dr. Olkin is the author of:

  • What psychotherapists should know about disability 
  • Disability Affirmative Therapy
  • Teaching Disability 

Randy Noblitt

randy noblitt

Dr. James Randall Noblitt is a Professor of Clinical Psychology in the Clinical Psy.D. Program and Coordinator for the Multi-Interest Option of the Clinical PhD and PsyD Programs at the Los Angeles campus of Alliant International University. He earned a PhD in Clinical Psychology from the University of North Texas as an Air Force Institute of Technology Scholar. His clinical internship was at the USAF Medical Center, Wright-Patterson AFB. OH. Subsequently he served as an Air Force clinical psychologist  at Lakenheath AB, England, and Sheppard AFB Regional Hospital, TX.  In 1984 he opened a clinical psychology practice in Dallas, TX that he continued until his move to Los Angeles in 2006 to join the Alliant faculty.

Professional Interests
  • Psychotherapy practice and research
  • Dissociation and dissociative disorders
  • Psychological disabilities
  • Disability determination
  • Cult and ritual abuse
Scholarship and Contributions to the Field
  • Noblitt, J. R. & Noblitt, P. P. [in press]. Backlash Against Allegations of Sexual Assault. In Gina Robertiello (Ed.). Sexual harassment and misconduct: An encyclopedia. ABC-CLIO.
  • Noblitt, J. R. & Noblitt, P. P. (2020). Navigating Social Security disability: A handbook for clinicians and advocates. Praeger.
  • Noblitt, R. & Noblitt, P. (2017). "The role of clinicians in Social Security disability determination." In A. Clark (Ed.). Social Security: Programs, Perspectives, and Future Directions (pp. 35‒70). Nova Science.
  • Dana Rafael’s Family & Noblitt, R. (2016, April 6). Dana Rafael: In memoriam. Anthropology News, Retrieved from
  • Noblitt, R. & Noblitt, P. (2014). Cult and ritual abuse: Narratives, evidence, and healing approaches (3rd ed.). Praeger.
  • Noblitt, J.R., & Noblitt, P. (2012). Possession, ritual abuse, and dissociation. In A. Brown-Miller (Ed.). Violence and abuse in society: Understanding a global crisis. Praeger.
  • Noblitt, J.R., & Noblitt, P. (2012). Cult and ritual trauma disorder. In A. Brown-Miller (Ed.). Violence and abuse in society: Understanding a global crisis. Praeger.
  • Noblitt, R. & Noblitt, P. (2012). "Social Security disability criteria and substance abuse." Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 43(2), 94–99. doi: 10.1037/a0027454
  • Noblitt, R. (2011). "Opening Pandora’s box." Interact, 11(1), 39−42.
  • Lee, K. C. & Noblitt, R. (2010, March-April). "Overlooked challenges of international psychology graduate students." The National Psychologist, p. 23.
  • Noblitt, R. & Noblitt, P. (2010). "Psychologists and the economics of Social Security disability programs." Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 4 (3), 274−279.
  • Noblitt, R. (2010). "An unintended speclalty". Voices, 46(3), 61−68.
  • Noblitt, R. & Noblitt, P. (2009). "Getting from here to there: Dissociation, disability, and survival." Voices, 45(2), 38−43.
  • Noblitt, R. and Noblitt, P. (Eds.). (2008). Ritual abuse in the twenty-first century: Psychological, forensic,social and political considerations. Robert D. Reed.

Steven Fisher

Steve Fisher

Dr. Fisher is an Associate Professor at Alliant international University. He is a licensed Clinical Psychologist who also holds educational credentials in Educational Administration, School Psychology, and School Counseling. He continues to provide psycho-therapeutic services since receiving licensure in the state of California in 2000. He additionally has over 30 years of experience working in school systems providing services focusing on evaluation, prevention, identification of special learning needs, as well as intervention and treatment of mental, emotional, and behavioral health issues.

Research interests include childhood and adolescent mental health and learning needs, supports, and intervention. Dr. Fisher continues research in mindfulness practices relating to school support and intervention as well as in the support of university students engaged in professional practice training.

Dr Fisher obtained his Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and Masters of Arts in Counseling at San Diego State University prior to receiving Master of Arts and Doctorate in Clinical Psychology at United States International University.

Professional Interests
  • School-based mental health services
  • Childhood mood
  • Anxiety and behavior disorders
  • Child maltreatment issues.
Education and Certifications
  • PsyD - Clinical Psychology, United States International University, 1998
  • Master of Arts - Counseling, San Diego State University
  • Bachelor of Arts - Psychology, San Diego State University
  • Master of Arts - Psychology, United States International University
Scholarship and Contributions to the Field
  • Editorial Board Member: Contemporary School Psychology

Amber Landers

amber landers

Amber J. Landers PhD is Program Director and Assistant Professor in the PsyD program at California School of Professional Psychology (CSPP) at Alliant International University- San Francisco campus. She has experience in consultation and brief interventions in primary care, school, and early childhood settings and is coordinator of the Integrated Health Track at CSPP San Francisco. She obtained her BA from the University of California-Riverside, and completed her doctorate at Purdue University where her dissertation examined the effects of stress and parent-teacher communication on the psychological adjustment of ethnic minority elementary school children. She completed her pre-and post-doctoral training at Harvard Medical School/Cambridge Health Alliance. Her interests including the training and practice of integrating mental health into non-mental health settings, reducing stigma, and promoting health and mental health access for underserved populations, children, and families.

Professional Interests
  • Ethnic Minority Mental Health
  • Children and Families
  • Primary Care Behavioral Health Integration
Education and Certifications
  • Clinical Fellow/Post-doctoral Fellowship
  • PhD Clinical Psychology
  • M.S. Clinical Psychology
  • B.A. Psychology and Sociology
Scholarship and Contributions to the Field
  • Landers, A.J., Rollock, D., Rolfes, C.B., & Moore, D. L. (2011) "Police contact and stress among African American college students." American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 81, 72-81.

Lisa Liu

lisa liu

Lisa Liu, Ph.D., is a licensed psychologist and Associate Professor in the Clinical PsyD program at California School of Professional Psychology-Los Angeles (CSPP-LA), Alliant International University. She is currently the faculty coordinator of the Multicultural Community Clinical Psychology Emphasis at CSPP-LA. Dr. Liu received her doctorate in clinical psychology from University of California, Los Angeles. Prior to teaching at CSPP, Dr. Liu worked in community mental health and university counseling settings providing mental health services and outreach to diverse communities. Dr. Liu also served as a consultant and trainer to therapists working in community mental health agencies in Los Angeles as part of an initiative to help disseminate evidence-based cognitive behavioral therapy for depression. Dr. Liu's research and clinical interests include ethnic minority mental health; adjustment of immigrant children and families; impact of family and cultural context on psychopathology; racial/ethnic identity development; evidence-based treatments with diverse populations; multicultural competence; and Asian American mental health.

Professional Interests

Diversity and multicultural issues; ethnic minority mental health; adjustment of immigrant children and families; impact of family and cultural context on psychopathology; racial/ethnic identity development; evidence-based treatments with diverse populations; Asian American mental health

Ya-Shu Liang

yashu liang

Ya-Shu Liang, PhD, is an Associate Professor and the Program Director of the Clinical Psychology PsyD Program at California School of Professional Psychology at Alliant International University, Fresno, and is a licensed psychologist who specializes in working with young adults on issues related to identity, family, trauma, and weight, eating and body image concerns. She is the founding director of the San Joaquin Valley API Mental Health Project, a grant-funded project that aims to increase mental health literacy in the Central California's Asian & Pacific Islander communities. She is a past President of Central California Asian Pacific Women, a non-profit organization that empowers generations of API women in the Central Valley. She has given presentations on mental health disparities, microaggression, and diversity and inclusiveness, and has published articles on innovative community-based clinical services and language-based discrimination. Social justice and advocacy are dear to her heart, and she believes that - through empowerment and connection - people can heal, survive, and thrive!

Professional Interests

Dr. Liang's research interests include diversity, multicultural care, weight, eating and body image issues, and Asian American psychology. Her current research explores the roles of ethnic identity and culture in the context of weight, eating, and body image concerns in the AAPI population and examines systemic barriers that contribute to disparities in mental health care across sociocultural groups.

Education and Certifications
  • Ph.D., University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK
Scholarship and Contributions to the Field
  • Liang, Y.-S., & Shepherd, M. A. (2020). "A multicultural content analysis of mental health private practices’ websites and intake forms." Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 51(4), 325-334.
  • Frey, L. L., Beesley, D., & Liang, Y.-S. (2009). "The Client Evaluation of Counseling Inventory: Initial validation of an instrument measuring counseling effectiveness." Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 3, 28-36.
  • Wei, M., Liang, Y.-S., Du, Y., Botello, R., & Li, J. (2015). "Moderating effects of perceived language discrimination on mental health outcomes among Chinese international students." Asian American Journal of Psychology, 6(3), 213-222.
  • Boone, M. S., Edwards, G. R., Haltom, M., Hill, J. S., Liang, Y.-S., Mier, S. R., Shropshire, S. Y., Belizaire, L. S., Kamp, L. C., Murthi, M., Wong, W.-K., & Yau, T. Y. (2011). "Let's Talk: Getting out of the counseling center to serve hard-to-reach students." Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development, 39 (4), 194-205.