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Randall Wyatt

Randall C. Wyatt, PhD, is a clinical psychologist, Professor, and Director of Professional Training in the clinical psychology doctoral program at the California School of Professional Psychology, San Francisco at Alliant International University. He is core faculty in the PsyD program and Director of Professional Training of the PsyD and PhD program. Dr. Wyatt teaches graduate courses in ethics, law and psychology, practice management for psychotherapists, dissertation research, and spirituality and psychotherapy. He has been on core faculty at CSPP, SF since 2007.

Dr. Wyatt maintains a clinical practice in Oakland, California focused on trauma, sports psychology, couples therapy, law enforcement assessment and has directed counseling centers focused on integration of spirituality and psychotherapy. He is an active member of the Huston Smith Center for Psychological and Spiritual Development and serves on the executive committee. Dr. Wyatt can be contacted at Dr. Wyatt graduated from CSPP San Francisco with a PhD in Clinical Psychology after he earned his master's degree in psychology from Sacramento State University.

Professional Interests
  • Creative arts and psychology
  • Technology and psychology
  • Psychotherapy and trauma
  • The therapeutic relationship
  • Spirituality and psychotherapy
  • Sports psychology
  • Cultural anthro-psychological approaches to diversity.
Education and Certifications
  • PhD, Clinical Psychology, California School of Professional Psychology, Berkeley/Alameda
  • Practice Management for Psychotherapists
  • Proposal Design for Disssertation
  • Integration of Spirituality and Psychotherapy
  • Brief Psychotherapy
  • Clinical and Ethical Issues
Scholarship and Contributions to the Field
  • Wyatt, R. C. (2017, February 20). "A mindfulness and acceptance approach to insomnia, sleep and waking life." [Review of the book Mindfulness-based therapy for insomnia by Jason Ong, 2017], PsycCRITIQUES, 62, 8, Article 2.
  • Wyatt, R. C. (2014, January 6). "Self-help, stages of change, and Obama's habit: Can science and Norcross deliver?" [Review of the book Changeology: 5 easy steps to realizing your goals and resolution by John C. Norcross 2012], PsycCRITIQUES, 59, 1, Article 2.
  • Wyatt, R. C. (2012, September). "Practical and Creative Ways to Increase Revenue in Your Practice." (Review of the Book Billing and Collecting for Your Mental Health Practice: Effective Strategies and Ethical Practice by J. E. Barnett & S. Walfish.) PsycCRITIQUES 57 (38).
  • Wyatt, .R. C. & Sutton, W. K. (2010, July). "Why aren't more therapists doing family therapy? And what to do about it!" Association of Family Therapists of Northern California Newsletter (8-12). Retrieved August 23, 2010 from
  • Wyatt, R. C. & Yalom, V. (2008, February). An Interview with Owen Renik: Practical psychoanalysis and psychotherapy. San Francisco, CA:
  • Wyatt, R. C. & Yalom, V. (2007, April). An Interview with Stephanie Brown: Psychotherapy with addictions. San Francisco, CA:
  • Wyatt, R.C. (2006). An Interview with Susan Heitler: Conflict-focused couples therapy. SF, CA.
  • Wyatt, R. C. (2006). An Interview with Kenneth Hardy: Diversity, Social Justice and Psychotherapy., SF, CA.
  • Wyatt, R. C. (January, 2006). An Interview with Monica McGoldrick: Family therapy and diversity. SF, CA.
  • Wyatt, R. C. (Winter, 2004). Interview with Thomas Szasz: Liberty and the Practice of Psychotherapy. Journal of Humanistic Psychology.
  • Wyatt, .R. C. (May/June 2001). 1,000 Weddings and an Autopsy: An Interview with John Gottman. New Therapist, (20-26).
  • Wyatt, R. C. (Winter, 2000). Interview with John Gottman: Couples therapy and marriage., SF, CA.
  • Wyatt, R. C. & Livson, N. (June, 1994). The not so great divide? Psychologists and psychiatrists take stands on the medical and psychosocial models of mental illness. Professional Psychology: Research & Practice.
  • Wyatt, R. C. (2009-2011). Addictions self assessment tests for alcohol, drug, sex, shopping, gambling, tobacco, and food addictions. Self Tests: Clovis, CA.
  • Wyatt, R. C., Sacks, D., Cornish, J., & O'Banion, M. (3rd edition) (2015, June 23). Manual for directors of clinical training for the NCSPP association. Published on, The National Council of Schools and Programs of Professional Psychology.
  • Wyatt, R. C. (2012). William Miller on motivational interviewing (with Randall C. Wyatt) (Video). San Francisco, CA:
  • Wyatt, R. C. (2011). The therapeutic relationship, individualized treatment and other keys to successful psychotherapy by John Norcross (Video). San Francisco, CA:
  • Wyatt, R. C. (2009). What works in psychotherapy: Scott Miller with Randall C. Wyatt (Video). San Francisco, CA:
  • Wyatt, R. C. (2008). Harville Hendrix and the healing relationship with Randall C. Wyatt (Video). San Francisco, CA:
  • Wyatt, R. C. (2008). Positive psychology and psychotherapy: Martin Seligman with Randall C. Wyatt (Video). San Francisco, CA:
  • Wyatt, R. C. & Yalom, V. (2005). Irvin Yalom: Live case consultation (Video). San Francisco, CA:
  • Carr, D, Wyatt, R. C. & Yalom, V. (2003). Couples therapy: An introduction. (Video). Co-Producer and Interviewer. San Francisco, CA:
  • Wyatt, R. C. & Yalom, V. (2002). The gift of therapy: An interview with Irvin Yalom, M.D. (Video). San Francisco, CA: