Emil Rodolfa, Ph.D. has been actively involved in numerous aspects of psychology education and training throughout his career. Prior to becoming a faculty member at Alliant International University in 2013, he worked as the Director of Training and Director of the University of California Davis Counseling and Psychological Services. As a faculty member, he loves contributing to the personal and professional development of his students as they work to fulfill their professional dreams.
In addition to teaching, Dr. Rodolfa facilitates a Research Lab exploring psychology education and training issues. Topics that students in the lab have investigated include: 1) factors influencing publication of a student's dissertation, 2) telesupervision, 3) the impostor syndrome, 4) training in suicide assessment and intervention, 5) training directors’ views of intern competency, 6) psychologist experiences with colleagues displaying competence problems, 7) the impact of COVID-19 on psychology education and training and 8) the challenges doctoral students encounter with social media sites. All of these projects have been presented at conferences and some papers have been published.
Dr. Rodolfa is professionally active. He is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association (APA) and the Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards (ASPPB). He is the founding editor of the APPIC-APA journal, Training and Education in Professional Psychology and a Past-President of the State of California Board of Psychology. Dr. Rodolfa has served as a President of ASPPB, Chair of the Association of Psychology Postdoctoral and Internship Centers (APPIC), Chair of the Council of Chairs of Training Councils (CCTC), President of the Association of Counseling Center Training Agencies (ACCTA), a member of the governing board of the Association of University and College Counseling Center Directors (AUCCCD), Chair of the ASPPB Examination for Professional Practice in Psychology Step 2 (EPPP Part 2) Implementation Task Force and a member of the APA Commission on Accreditation (CoA). Currently he is a member of the ASPPB EPPP Part 2 Examination Committee.
Dr. Rodolfa has co-authored and edited 3 books, written a number of book chapters and numerous articles on education, training, and competency. He has received many professional acknowledgments for his professional contributions including the 2019 APA Award for Distinguished Career Contributions to Psychology Education and Training.
When not working, Dr. Rodolfa enjoys spending time with his family, playing horseshoes, and BBQing (some might call it grilling) at his cabin in the mountains.
Education and Certifications
- Ph.D. Major: Counseling Psychology. Minor: Clinical Psychology Texas A&M University, APA accredited. Internship: University of Iowa Counseling Services. APA accredited.
- M.S. Major: Educational Psychology-emphasis in behavioral research and design. California State University-Hayward.
- M.S. Major: Counseling-emphasis in clinical counseling. California State University-Hayward.
- B.A. Major: Psychology. Minor: Sociology. San Jose State University.
- American Psychological Association, Award for Distinguished Career Contributions to Psychology Education and Training
- American Psychological Association, Presidential Citation, “for ensuring that training in psychology meets the highest standards for the profession.”
- Association of Psychology Postdoctoral and Internship Centers, Connie Hercey Award, for distinguished service to APPIC
- Association of Directors of Psychology Training Clinics, Friend of ADPTC Award, for significant contributions to ADPTC
- American Psychological Association Board of Educational Affairs, Educational Advocacy Award, for contributions to the Garrett Lee Smith (Campus Care Act) Federal Legislation.
- American Psychological Association, Award for Distinguished Contributions of Applications of Psychology to Education and Training
- American Psychological Association Division of Counseling Psychology, John D. Black Award, for Outstanding Achievement in the Practice of Counseling Psychology
- Association of Counseling Center Training Agencies, Helen Roehlke Service Award for distinguished contributions and service to ACCTA
- Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards, Norma Simon Award, for significant contributions to ASPPB and the process of licensing psychologists nationally
- Association of University and College Counseling Center Directors, Lifetime Achievement Award
- Counsel of Chairs of Training Councils, Paul Nelson Award, for outstanding leadership in professional psychology education and training
- Organization of Counseling Center Directors in Higher Education, Excellence in Leadership Award, for longstanding commitment to OCCDHE
- University of California, Davis, Principles of Community Diversity Award, for significant contributions to the diverse campus community
Scholarship and Contributions to the Field
- Estrada, S. & Rodolfa, E. (2017) "Multicultural Competence & DSM-5/ICD-10-CM." In Manese, J & Burnes, T. (editors), Casebook in Multicultural Supervision. Cogella Press
- Macafee, L., Rasmussen, C., Rodolfa, E., (2021). "Competencies in Health Service Psychology." In Schwartz-Mette, R., Hunter, E., Kaslow, N. Supporting Trainees with Competence Problems: A Practical Guide for Psychology Trainers. American Psychological Association. Book in progress.
- Prince, K. & Rodolfa, E. (2017). "Social multiple relationships between supervisor and supervisee." In Manese, J & Burnes, T. (editors), Casebook in Multicultural Supervision. Cogella Press.
- Rodolfa, E., Cox, D., & Schaffer, J. B. (In press). "Credentialing: Licensure and Board Certification." In Kaslow, N. & Ponce, A., Comprehensive Clinical Psychology, 2nd Edition. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association.
- Rodolfa, E. & Schaffer, J. (2017). Introduction to A casebook and workbook to help students assess and diagnose using the ICD-10-CM. American Psychological Association.
- Rodolfa, E. & Schaffer, J. (2019). "Challenges to psychology education and training in the culture of competence." American Psychologist, 74(9), 1118-1128.
- Rodolfa, E. & Schaffer., J. (2021). Can Ericksonian Therapy Become mainstream? Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 28, in press.
- Rodolfa, E., & Webb, C. (2017). Part 2 of the Enhanced Examination for Professional Practice in Psychology. California Board of Psychology Journal, Spring 2017, 2-4, 10.
- Rodolfa, E., & Webb, C. (2017). Part 2 of the Enhanced Examination for Professional Practice in Psychology. The CAP Monitor, Fall 2017, 10-14.
- Schaffer, J., & Rodolfa, E. (2020) "Reflecting on Reflective Practice." Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice. Online version August 3, 2020, doi: 10.1111/cpsp.12361
- Schaffer, J. & Rodolfa, E. (editors) (2017). A casebook and workbook to help students assess and diagnose using the ICD-10-CM. American Psychological Association: Washington DC.
- Schaffer, J. & Rodolfa, E. (2017). Kompas ICD-10-CM: Een gids voor diagnostiek en classificatie van psychische en gedragsstoornissen. BV Uitgeverij SWP: Amsterdam
- Schaffer, J. & Rodolfa, E. (editors) (2019). ICD-10-CM Studii de caz pentru viitorii psihologi clinicieni. .Trei: Bucuresti, Romania
- Tigranyan, S., Byington, D., Liupakorn, D., Hicks, L., Lombardi, S., Mathis, M., & Rodolfa, E. (2019) "Factors related to the Impostor Phenomenon in Psychology Doctoral Students." Training and Education in Professional Psychology. Advance online publication.
Papers in Progress
- Xiong, S., Ribeiro, D. Law, E., Brunt, D., Rodolfa, E. (2021). "Perceived Competency of licensed psychologists. Research in Progress with third year clinical psychology students." To be submitted to the American Psychologist.
- Brunt, D., Law, E., Xiong, S., Riberio, D., Rodolfa, E., (2021). "Training Directors Perceptions of Intern Competency. Research in Progress with third year clinical psychology students." To be submitted to the Training and Education in Professional Psychology.
- Pluckhan, L., Greeley, H., Raines, B., Rodolfa, E., (2021). "The Impact of Covid-19 on Doctoral Psychology Education. Research in Progress with second year clinical psychology students." To be submitted to Journal of Counselor Supervision.
- April, Invited Presentation, The Enhanced Examination for Professional Practice in
- Psychology: EPPP Parts 1 and 2. Association of Psychology Postdoctoral and Internship Centers, Membership Meeting, San Antonio, TX.
- August, Invited Presentation, The EPPP Part 2: Can we assess skills for licensure? American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Washington, DC.
- September, Invited Presentation, Practicing Legally and Ethically. University of California Davis, Counseling Services. Davis, CA.
- October, Invited Presentation, Competency Models. Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards Annual Conference. Salt Lake City, Utah.
- October, Invited Presentation, How does Competency Fit into Licensure. Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards Annual Conference. Salt Lake City, Utah.
- October, Invited Presentation, The EPPP: Regulation Changes for a Skills Examination. Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards Annual Conference. Salt Lake City, Utah.
- February, Presenter, APA Commission on Accreditation Site Visit Workshop. New Orleans, LA
- March, Poster Presentation, Perceived Competency of Licensed Psychologists and Psychology Interns (with Students). Sacramento Valley Psychological Association. Sacramento, CA.
- March, Poster Presentation, The Importance of Suicide Risk Assessment (with Students). Sacramento Valley Psychological Association. Sacramento, CA.
- March, Poster Presentation, Factors Influencing the Impostor Phenomenon (with Students). Sacramento Valley Psychological Association. Sacramento, CA.
- July, Invited Presentation, Developing a Practicum Training Program in a University Counseling Center. Counseling Center, California State University, Sacramento. Sacramento, CA.
- August, Invited Address. Challenges to Psychology Education and Training in the Era of Competency. American Psychological Association. Chicago, IL.
- August, Poster Presentation, Factors Influencing the Impostor Phenomenon (with Students). American Psychological Association. Online.
- April, Poster Presentation, The Impact of Covid-19 on Psychology Doctoral Education (with Students). California Psychological Association. Online.
- April, Poster Presentation, Psychology Internship Training Directors’ Perceptions of the Competency of Doctoral Interns (with Students). California Psychological Association. Online.
- April, Poster Presentation, Perceptions of and Reactions to Licensed Psychologists with Competency Problems (with Students). California Psychological Association. Online.
- August. Covid-19 on Psychology Doctoral Education (with Students). American Psychological Association (accepted for Presentation). Online.
- August, Poster Presentation, Training Directors’ Perceptions of the Competency of Doctoral Interns (with Students). American Psychological Association (accepted for Presentation). Online.
- August, Poster presentation, Licensed Psychologists Perceptions of and Reactions to Colleagues’ Competency Problems (with Students). American Psychological Association (accepted for Presentation). Online.