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Dumayi Gutierrez

Dumayi Gutierrez

Dumayi Gutierrez, has a Ph.D. in Couple and Family Therapy. She is an Assistant Professor in the Couple and Family Therapy Program at Alliant International University in San Diego and Online campuses.

Dr. Gutierrez has a passion for working with multiple marginalized communities and is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT). She has published and presented nationally on minority stress, intersectionality of self and family systems, couple support systems, resiliencies of sexually marginalized and gender expansive Latinx populations, intersectional culturally competent care, and Women of Color in higher education. She uses a narrative, experiential and feminist approach, utilizing techniques of advocacy and empowerment. Additionally, Dr. Gutierrez has served as clinical coordinator and family therapist for the LGBTQ Counseling Clinic in Iowa, and The Gender & Family Project at the Ackerman Institute for the Family in New York.

Dr. Gutierrez received her Bachelor’s and doctorate degrees from The University of Iowa, and Master’s degree from Mount Mercy University in Iowa.

Education and Certifications
  • Bachelor’s and doctorate degrees from The University of Iowa
  • Master’s degree from Mount Mercy University in Iowa.


Credentials and Certifications

  • Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (New York #001774),
  • Certificate in College Teaching (The University of Iowa)
  • Sex Therapy in Marriage and Family Therapy
  • Advanced Statistics I
  • Advanced Statistics II
  • MFT Research Methods
  • MFT Practicum
Scholarship and Contributions to the Field
  • Gutierrez, D. (2021, May 20-21). Utilizing an intersectional minority stress model to explore Latinx cultural influence, romantic relationships, and mental health outcomes for Latinx lesbian women [Virtual presentation]. The National LGBTQ Health Conference, Chicago, IL, United States.
  • Gutierrez, D. (2019, May). Exploring Protective Factors of Internalized Heterosexism and Mental Health outcomes of Latinx Lesbian Women. Presented at American Association of Family Therapy Minority Fellowship Institute.
  • Gutierrez, D. (2018, November). Intersecting Queer and Latinx Families: Core Sources of Support and Resilience for Marginalized Bisexual Latinx Women. Presented at National Council of Family Relations.
  • Gutierrez, D., Gamboni, C., Frazier, A. & Wojciak, A. (2017, October). Relationship Quality and Attachment Outcomes of Adults with Parents with Previous Same Sex Relationships. Presented at Annual American Association of Family Therapy Conference.
  • Gutierrez, D. (2020). "I’m not going to choose a side Hermana: Adding voices of bisexual Latinx women to an intersectional minority stress model." In Thomas M. (Eds.), Intersectionality: Concepts, perspectives, and challenges (pp. 60-81). Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
  • Gamboni, C., Gutierrez, D., & Miller, H. (2018). "Prohibiting versus discouraging: Exploring mental health organizations varied stances on Sexual Orientation Change Efforts (SOCE)." American Journal of Family Therapy, 46(1), 96-105.
  • Gutierrez, D. (2018). "The role of intersectionality in marriage and family therapy multicultural supervision." American Journal of Family Therapy, 46(1), 14-26.
  • 2017-2019 American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy Minority Fellowship. Dissertation Completion and Doctoral Fellowship.
  • 2016 - 2017 Family Process Writers Institute. New Writers Initiative.

Eloiza Alcaraz

Eloiza Alcaraz

Dr. Eloiza M. Alcaraz is an alum and Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychology in the Clinical PsyD Program at Alliant International University, CSPP-LA Campus. Dr. Alcaraz earned her B.A. in psychology from California State University, Nortanthridge, an M.S. in counseling psychology from Mount Saint Mary’s University-Los Angeles, an M.A. and a Psy.D. in clinical psychology from the California School of Professional Psychology-Los Angeles at Alliant International University. Dr. Alcaraz grew up in a predominantly Latinx community where her parents worked as campesinos in the strawberry fields and her mother was a Curandera in the community. Dr. Alcaraz is an active member of the National Latinx Psychological Association and holds board member positions in different mental health agencies in Los Angeles County. Dr. Alcaraz is an active Latinx community advocate/activist, as well as a consultant for cultural and diversity enhancement.

Professional Interests

Multicultural/diversity issues, particularly Latinx mental health. Indigenous/traditional healing practices within a holistic approach. Immigration/acculturation issues among adults, children, and families. Families involved with DCFS, adoption/foster care, and family reunification. School-based therapy, special education, and assessment. Trauma, PTSD, dissociation, child abuse, and forensic interviewing. Pediatric oncology/hematology, loss and grief, and minority health disparities.

Education and Certifications
  • PsyD, Clinical Psychology
  • MA, Clinical Psychology
  • MS, Counseling Psychology
  • BA, Psychology
  • Intercultural Processes and Human Diversity
  • Psychodiagnostic Assessment
  • Theories of Personality and Psychotherapy
  • Ethics and Professional Development
  • History and Systems
  • Program Development and Evaluation
  • Immigration and Mental Health
  • Clinical Dissertation

Kathryn Yoshida

Dr Yoshida

Kathryn Yoshida, PhD, is an Assistant Professor at CSPP. Her specialties include child and family psychology, infant-preschool mental health, and biofeedback. Dr. Yoshida teaches courses in Cultural Diversity Training, Dissertation Proposal Development, and Advanced Child Assessment. 

Dr. Yoshida earned a PhD in Clinical Psychology, Ecosystemic Child Emphasis; an MA in Clinical Psychology; and an Infant-Preschool Mental Health Certificate, all from CSPP Alliant Fresno. She has been I-MERIT Co-Chair since 2019, and in May of 2020, received a Grant Award from Alliant Educational Foundation for her Mobile Biofeedback Lab for Student Research Team. In March of 2020, Dr. Yoshida was a discussant at the Association for Women Psychologists Annual Conference Symposium on the subject of an Intersectional Approach to Wellbeing.

Clare Henn-Haase

clare henn-haase

Clare Henn-Haase, Psy.D., is Associate Professor and Program Director of the Clinical Psychology PhD Program at the California School of Professional Psychology (CSPP) of Alliant International University. Dr. Henn-Haase received her M.Ed in Community Counseling from Loyola University of Chicago and her PsyD from the Illinois School of Professional Psychology (Argosy University), Chicago.  Prior to accepting a position at CSPP, she served as Senior Lecturer, Clinical Training Coordinator and Deputy Director of Clinical Programs at the National University of Singapore (NUS).  Before relocating to Singapore, Dr. Henn-Haase served as Assistant Professor and clinical director in the PTSD Research Program at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) and San Francisco Veterans’ Affairs (SFVA) followed by New York University Langone Medical Center (NYULMC) where she also served as clinical director of the PTSD research program and Military Family Clinic, and maintains an adjunct assistant professor affiliation. She has worked with children, adults and families in private practice for over 20 years.

Dr. Henn-Haase has extensive experience in research and clinical practice, supervision, consultation, program development, teaching and administration.  She has experience working with a diverse population and has worked over seas internationally with Singaporean, Malay, Indonesian, Thai, and Chinese populations within a diverse Singaporean community.  Dr. Henn-Haase has served as principal investigator or co-investigator on several research studies funded by the Department of Defense (DOD), VA, NIH, and philanthropy.  Research focused on examination of a multi-site randomized-controlled treatment (RCT) trial at Bellevue Hospital investigating the effectiveness of Skills Training in Affective and Interpersonal Regulation (STAIR) treatment with women suffering from PTSD due to interpersonal violence in the community sector; longitudinal study of risk and resilience factors in police officers; assessment of PTSD in veterans through the National Vietnam Veterans Longitudinal Study (NVVRS); neuro-psychological testing comparing cognitive functioning in veterans with and without PTSD, and assessment measures of PTSD including the Clinician Administered PTSD Scale (CAPS) according to DSM-IV and DSM-5, and a pilot RCT using STAIR for adolescents with trauma exposure in Singapore residential care. 

Dr. Henn-Haase has received training, and experience in cognitive-behavioral treatment for trauma including Trauma Focused treatment for PTSD, Skills Training in Affective and Interpersonal Regulation (STAIR); Trauma Systems Therapy (TST), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Prolonged Exposure (PE), Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT), and Dialectical-Behavioral Therapy (DBT).  She is interested in the adaptation of empirically supported evidence-based treatments for PTSD in diverse populations including Southeast Asian cultures and the dissemination of treatment through tele-health modalities to reach more rural populations.  She has co-authored research publications in peer reviewed journals and presented findings at national and international conferences. She is a member of several professional associations and peer reviewer for a number of scientific journals.

Professional Interests

Dr. Henn-Haase’s clinical and research interests and expertise is in psychological trauma acute stress, PTSD, and co-morbid syndromes, e.g., depression, anxiety, substance use, traumatic grief occurring across the lifespan. Interests also include integrated health, telehealth, simulated clinical training, epidemiological studies on risk and resilience to psychopathology, assessment, and evidence-based treatments for stress and trauma-related syndromes with a variety of populations including child, adult, military personnel, veterans, emergency services, police, women, and underserved populations.

Education and Certifications
  • Postdoctoral Training – PTSD Research Program, Veterans Affairs San Francisco
  • Psy.D. Clinical Psychology, IL School of Professional Psychology (ISPP), Argosy University
  • Predoctoral Internship, Child Clinical Psychology
  • SUNY, Health Science Center, NY (APA Accredited)
  • M.Ed. Community Counseling, Loyola University, Chicago, IL
  • B.A. Psychology, Cardinal Stritch University, Milwaukee, WI
  • Theory & Techniques: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
  • Principles of Psychotherapy
  • Family Violence and Psychological Trauma
  • Advanced Psychopathology
  • Cognitive Processing Therapy
  • Evidence-Based Treatments for Trauma
  • Advanced Clinical: ACT and DBT
Scholarship and Contributions to the Field
  • Cloitre, M., Falvey, E., Henn-Haase, C., Kahn, C., MacKintosh, M., Gavert, D. "Emotion regulation mediates the relationship between ACES and physical and mental health." Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 11(1), 82-89.
  • Mellon, S.H., Bersani, F.S., Lindqvist, D., Hammamieh, R., Donohue, D., Kelsey, D., Jett, M., Yehuda, R., Flory, J., Reus, V., Bierer, L.M., Makotkine, I., Abu Amara, D., Henn-Haase, C., Coy, M., Doyle, F.J., Marmar, C., & Wolkowitz, "O.M. Metabolic analysis of combat veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder." PLOS One doi 10.1371, Pone 0213839.
  • Karstoft, K.I., Williams, C., Ho, C.L., Shalev, A.Y., Kulka, R., Marmar, C. R. "Predictors of PTSD 40 years after combat: Findings from the National Vietnam Veterans longitudinal study." Depression and Anxiety, doi 10.1002/da.22628.
  • Bersani, F.S., Lindqvist, D., Mellon, S.H., Epel., E.S., Yehuda, R., Flory, J., Henn-Haase, C., Bierer, L.M., Makotkine, I., Abu-Amara, D., Coy, M., Reus, V.I., Lin, J., Blackburn, E.H., Marmar, C., Walkowitz, O.M. "Association of dimensional psychological health measures with telomere length in male war veterans." Journal of Affective Disorders, 190, 537-542.
  • Keng SL, Waddington E, Lin XB, Tan MSQ, Henn-Haase C, Kanter JW. "Effects of functional analytic psychotherapy therapist training on therapist factors among therapist trainees in Singapore: A randomized controlled trial." Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, doi: 10.1002/cpp.2064.
  • Aschbacher, K., Mellon, S., Sinclair, E., Marmar, C.R., Henn-Haase, C., Abu-Amara, D., Yehuda, R., Flory, J., Bierer, L., Wolkowitz, O.M., Mueller, S. "Circulating hematopoietic progenitor cell number is associated with prefrontal cortical thickness, white matter integrity and PTSD duration in combat-exposed veterans." Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 49, E33-E34.
  • Flory, J.D., Henn-Haase, C., Bierer, L.M., Lehrner, A., Makotkine, I., Marmar, C.R., & Yehuda, R. "Glucocorticoid functioning in combat veterans with post traumatic stress disorder and mild traumatic brain injury." Journal of Psychiatric Research.
  • Marmar, C.R., Schlenger, W., Henn-Haase, C., Meng, Q., Purchia, E., Meng, L., Corry, N., Williams, C.S., Ho, C.L., Horesh, D., Karstoft, K.I., Shalev, A., & Kulka, R.A. "Course of posttraumatic stress disorder 40 years after the Vietnam war: Findings from the national Vietnam veterans longitudinal study." JAMA Psychiatr, E1-E7.
  • Schlenger, W., Corry, N.H., Kulka, R.A., Williams, C.S., Henn-Haase, C., & Marmar, C.R. "Design and methods of the national Vietnam veterans longitudinal study." International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research. (e-pub, DOI: 10.1002/mpr.1469).
  • Cloitre, M., Henn-Haase, C., Herman, J.J., Jackson, C., Kaslow, N., Klein, C., Mendelsohn, M., Petkova, E. "A multi-site single-blind clinical study to compare the effects of STAIR narrative therapy to treatment as usual among women with PTSD in public sector mental health settings: Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial." Trials, 15(1): 197.
  • Galatzer-Levy, I.R., Steenkamp, M.M., Brown, A.D., Qian, M., Inslicht, S., Henn-Haasse, C., Otte, C., Yehuda, R., Neylan, T.C., Marmar, C.R. "Cortisol response to an experimental stress paradigm prospectively predicts long-term distress and resilience trajectories in response to active police service." Journal of Psychiatric Research, (May)56: 26-35.
  • Komarovskaya, I., Brown, A.D., Galatzer-Levy, I.R., Madan, A., Henn-Haase, C., Teater, J., Clarke, B.H., Marmar, C.R., Chemtob, C.M. "Early physical victimization is a risk factor for posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms among Mississippi police and firefighter first respoondes to Hurricane Katrina." Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice & Policy, 6(1):92-98.
  • Lindqvist, D., Wolkowitz, O.M., Mellon, S., Yehuda, R., Flory, J.D., Henn-Haase, C., Bierer, L.M., Abu-Amara, D., Coy, M., Neylan, T.C., Makotkine, I., Reus, V.I., Yan, X., Taylor, N.M., Marmar, C.R., Dhabhar, F.S. "Proinflammatory milieu in combat-related PTSD is independent of depression and early life stress." Brain, Behavior & Immunity, 42: 81-88.
  • Meffert, S.M., Henn-Haase, C., Metzler, T.J., Qian, M., Best, S., Hirschfeld, A., McCaslin, S., Inslicht, S., Neylan, T.C., Marmar, C.R. "Prospective study of police officer spouse/partners: A new pathway to secondary trauma and relationship violence?" PLoS, 9(7).
  • Yehuda, R., Flory, J.D., Bierer, L.M., Henn-Haase, C., Lehrner, A., Desarnaud, F., Makotkine, I., Daskalakis, N.P., Marmar, C.R., & Meaney, M. "Lower methylation of glucocorticoid receptor gene promoter 1F in peripheral blood of veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder." Biological Psychiatry, epub 2014.
  • Galatzer-Levy, I.R., Brown, A.D., Henn-Haase, C, Metzler, T.J., Neylan, T.C., Marmar, C.R., "Positive and Negative Emotion Prospectively Predict Trajectories of Resilience and Distress Among High-Exposure Police Officers." Emotion, 13(3):545-553 (epub Jan 21).
  • Yan, X, Brown, A.D., Lazar, M, Cressman, V.L., Henn-Haase, C, Neylan, T.C., Shalev, A, Wolkowitz, O.M., Hamilton, S.P., Yehuda, R, Sodickson, D.K., Weiner, M.W., Marmar, C.R., "Spontaneous brain activity in combat related PTSD." Neuroscience Letters, 28; 547:1-5. (epub 2013 May 2).
  • Yuan, C., Wang, Z., Inslicht, S.S., McCaslin, S.E., Metzler, T.J., Henn-Haase, C., Apfel, B.A., Tong, H., Neylan, T.C., Fang, Y., Marmar, C.R. "Protective factors for posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms in a prospective study." Psychiatry Research, 175: 45-50.
  • Apfel, B.A., Otte, C., Inslicht, S.S., McCaslin, S.E., Henn-Haase, C., Metzler, T., Yehuda, R., Neylan, T., Marmar, C.R. "Pretraumatic prolonged elevation of salivary MHPG predicts peritraumatic distress and symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder." Journal of Psychiatric Research, 45(6): 735-41.
  • Galatzer-Levy, I.R., Madan, A., Neylan, T.C, Henn-Haase, C., Marmar, C. R. "Peritraumatic and trait dissociation differentiate police officers with resilient versus symptomatic trajectories of posttraumatic stress symptoms." Journal of Traumatic Stress, 24(5): 557-565.
  • Inslicht, S.S., Otte, C. McCaslin, S.E., Apfel, B.A. Henn-Haase, C., Metzler, T., Yehuda, R., Neylan, T.C., Marmar, C.R. "Cortisol awakening response prospectively predicts peritraumatic and acute stress reactions in police officers." Biological Psychiatry, 70(11): 1055-62.
  • Komarovskaya, I., Maguen, S., McCaslin,S.E., Metzler, T.J., Madan, A., Brown, A.D., Galatzer-Levy, I.R., Henn-Haase, C., Marmar, C.R. "The impact of killing and injuring others on mental health symptoms among police officers." Journal of Psychiatric Research, 45(10): 1332-1336.
  • Maia, D.B., Marmar, C.R., Henn-Haase C., Nóbrega. A., Fiszman A, Marques-Portella, C., Mendlowicz, M.V., Coutinho, E.S., Figueira, I. "Predictors of PTSD symptoms in brazilian police officers: the synergy of negative affect and peritraumatic dissociation." Rev Bras Psiquiatr. Dec;
  • Inslicht, S.I., McCaslin, S.E., Metzler, T.J., Henn-Haase, C., Hart, S.L., Maguen, S., Neylan, T.C., Marmar, C.R. "Family psychiatric history, peritraumatic reactivity, and posttraumatic stress symptoms: A prospective study of police." Journal of Psychiatric Research, 44: 22-31.
  • Wang, Z., Inslicht, S.S., Metzler, T.J., Henn-Haase, C., McCaslin, S.E., Tong, H., Neylan, T.C., Marmar, C.R. "A prospective study of predictors of depression symptoms in police." Journal of Psychiatry Research, 175(3): 211-6.
  • Maguen, S., Metzler, T.J., McCaslin, S.E., Inslicht, S., Henn-Haase, C., Neylan, T.C., Marmar, C.R. "Routine work environment stress and PTSD symptoms in police officers." Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 197(10): 754-60.
  • McCaslin, S.E., Inslicht, S.S., Metzler, T.J., Henn-Haase, C., Maguen, S., Neylan, T.C., Choucroun, G., Marmar, C.R. "Trait dissociation predicts PTSD symptoms in a prospective study of urban police officers." Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 196(12): 912-8.
  • Meffert, S.M., Metzler, T.J., Henn-Haase, C., McCaslin, S., Inslicht, S., Chemtob, C., Neylan, T., Marmar, C.R. "A prospective study of trait anger and PTSD symptoms in police." Journal of Traumatic Stress, 21(4): 410-6.
  • Pole, N., Neylan, T.C., Otte, C., Henn-Haase, C., Metzler, T.J., Marmar, C.R. "Prospective prediction of posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms using fear potentiated auditory startle responses." Biological Psychiatry, 65: 235-40.
  • Difede, J., Malta, L.S., Best, S., Henn-Haase, C., Metzler, T., Bryant, R., Marmar, C. "A randomized controlled clinical treatment trial for World Trade Center attack-related PTSD in disaster workers." Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 195(10): 861-5.
  • Pole, N., Neylan, T.C., Otte, C., Metzler, T.J., Best, S.R., Henn-Haase, C., Marmar, C.R. "Associations between childhood trauma and emotion-modulated psychophysiological responses to startling sounds: a study of police cadets." Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 116(2): 352-61.
  • McCaslin, S.E., Inslicht, S.S., Neylan, T.C., Metzler, T.J., Otte, C., Lenoci, M., Henn-Haase, C., Best, S., Marmar, C.R. "Association between alexithymia and neuroendocrine response to psychological stress in police academy recruits." Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1071: 425-427.
  • Neylan, T.C., Lenoci, M., Samuelson, K.W., Metzler, T.J., Henn-Haase, C., Hierholzer, R.W., Lindley, S.E., Otte, C., Schoenfeld, F.B., Yesavage, J.A., Marmar, C.R. "No improvement of posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms with guanfacine treatment." American Journal of Psychiatry, 163(12): 2186-8.
  • Samuelson, K., Neylan, T., Lenoci, M., Metzler, T., Rothlind, J., Henn-Haase, C., Choucroun, G., Weiner, M., Marmar, C.R. "Neuropsychological functioning in posttraumatic stress disorder and alcohol abuse." Neuropsychology, 20(6): 716-726.
  • Otte, C., Neylan, T.C., Pole, N., Metzler, T., Best, S., Henn-Haase, C., Yehuda, R., Marmar, C.R. "Association between childhood trauma and catecholamine response to psychological stress in police academy recruits." Biological Psychiatry, 57(1): 27-32.

Megan Carlos

megan carlos

Megan Carlos, PhD, is an Associate Professor with the California School of Professional Psychology (CSPP) of Alliant International University.  Her research interests include attachment theory, children and families, women’s mental health, and disability issues.  At Alliant, she teaches courses in Human Development, Psychometrics, Statistics and Research Design, Observation and Interviewing, and Sociocultural Issues. Dr. Carlos received her MA in Child Psychology and her PhD in Child Clinical Psychology from the University of Minnesota at Twin Cities.   She has taught undergraduate and graduate courses in developmental and clinical psychology over the past 15 years. She has a private practice in Berkeley, California.  Dr. Carlos has previously served on the American Psychological Association’s Committee on Disability Issues in Psychology and currently serves on the National Council of Schools and Programs in Professional Psychology’s Disability Committee.

Andrew Bertagnolli

Andrew Bertagnolli

Dr. Bertagnolli is a licensed clinical psychologist and a core faculty member at the San Francisco campus. He has been affiliated with Alliant International University since 2006s been an adjunct faculty member since 2003. In addition, he is the National Director of Virtual Behavioral Health Services at One Medical, where his responsible for designing and developing new virtual programs and services to support members achieving and sustaining their mental health and wellness.

Prior to joining One Medical, Dr. Bertagnolli was with Optum Behavioral Health as Vice President of Care and Case Management and Recovery Programs after spending many years at Kaiser Permanente’s – National Offices as the Director of Integrated Behavioral Health. He has more than 25 years of health care experience and a strong background in healthcare operations, quality measurement and process improvement in the areas of behavioral health, suicide prevention, peer support, digital behavioral health, social determinants of health, evidence based psychotherapy practice and pain management.

Dr. Bertagnolli holds a B.A. from Vanderbilt University, an M.A., and Ph.D. from California School of Professional Psychology-San Francisco Bay Campus.  He completed his clinical training at University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center and Kaiser Permanente San Francisco.

Dr. Bertagnolli is currently on the Board of Directors of the National Alliance on Mental Illness – California, the Executive Committee of the National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention and the Academic Training & Education Standards Committee of the Association of Behavioral & Cognitive Therapies.

Professional Interests
  • Chronic pain management
  • Depression
  • Suicide prevention
  • Digital behavioral health
  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy
  • Evidence-based practices
  • Quality measurement in behavioral health
  • Integrated healthcare.
Education and Certifications
  • PhD Clinical Psychology - California School of Professional Psychology – San Francisco
  • Theory & Technique of Clinical Practice: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
  • Advanced Clinical Seminar: Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy
  • Clinical & Ethical Issues: Integrated Healthcare
  • Advanced Clinical Skills: Chronic Pain
Scholarship and Contributions to the Field
  • Botanov, Y., Cooper, L., Washburn, J. J., Bertagnolli, A. & McClain, T. (in press). Scientific Competence and Health Service Psychology Master’s Training: An Outline for an Applied Methodology Course Training and Education in Professional Psychology. Training and Education in Professional Psychology.
  • Botanov, Y., Cooper, L. D., Bertagnolli, A. & Washburn, J. J. (2022). Methods of assessing scientific competency in health service psychology master’s programs. Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 16(2), 173–181. 
  • Mohr, D, Azocar, F, Bertagnolli, A, Choudhury, P, Chrisp, P, Frank, R, Harbin, H, Histon, T, Kaysen, D, Nebeker, C, Richards, D, Schueller, SM, Titov, N, Torous, J, & Arean, P. (2021). Banbury Forum consensus statement on the path forward to digital mental health treatment. Psychiatric Services. 72(6), 677-683. 
  • Cooper, L, Bertagnolli, A, Botanov, Y, Jun, J, Valenstein-Mah, H, Washburn, J & Teisler, D. (2020) "Training competencies for master’s programs in health service psychology." The Behavior Therapist:43(4), 118-126.
  • Torous, J, Andersson, G, Bertagnolli, A, Christensen, H, Cuijpers, P, Firth, J, Haim, A, Hsin, H, Hollis, C, Lewis, S, Mohr, D, Pratap, A, Roux, S, Sherrill, J, Arean, PA (2019) "Towards a consensus around standards for smartphone apps and digital mental health." World Psychiatry 18:1, 97-98.
  • Karlin, B, Brown, G, Jager-Hyman, S, Wong, M, Lee, D, Bertagnolli, A & Ross, T (2018) "Dissemination and implementation of cognitive behavioral therapy for depression in the Kaiser Permanente system." Behavior Therapy: 50:2, 446-458.
  • Lewandowski, E, O’Connor, B, Bertagnolli, A, Tinoco, A, Beck, A, Gardner, W, Jelinek-Berents, C, Newton, D, Wain, K, Boggs, J, Brace, N, deSa, P, Scholle, S, Hoagwood, K & Horwitz, S. (2016) "Screening and diagnosis of depression in adolescents in a large HMO." Psychiatric Services.
  • The Kennedy Forum (2015) "Fixing Behavioral Health Care in America: A National Call for Measurement-Based Care in the Delivery of Behavioral Health Services. [White paper]." The Kennedy Forum.
  • The Kennedy Forum (2015) "Fixing Behavioral Health Care in America: A National Call for Integrating Specialty Behavioral Health Care with the Medical System. [White paper]." The Kennedy Forum.
  • Mental Health America, Inc. (2015) "National Certified Peer Specialist (NCPS) Certification: An Overview of the Development and Launch of the First National, Advanced Peer Support Specialist Certification [White Paper]." Mental Health America.
  • California Association of Social Rehabilitation Specialists (2014) "Meaningful Roles for Peer Providers in Integrated Healthcare: A Guide. [White paper]." CASRA.

David Hoskins

David Hoskins

David Hoskins, PsyD., M.A.S. is an Assistant Professor in the Clinical Psychology Psy.D. Program at the California School of Professional Psychology, Alliant International University. His research and professional interests include trauma and related behavioral health needs (i.e., psychiatric symptoms, substance use, and sexual risk behaviors); Latinx mental health; acculturation, acculturation gap-distress theory, and the Latinx paradox; and, culturally attuned and manualized treatment interventions.

Professional Interests
  • Examining unmet behavioral health needs (i.e., psychiatric symptoms, substance use, and sexual risk behaviors) in both the primary care setting and the juvenile justice system
  • Culturally attuned mental health services for youth who have faced multiple and various forms of interpersonal trauma and adversity as well as their caregiver
  • The Latinx community.
Education and Certifications
  • M.A.S., Clinical Research, Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology, University of California, San Francisco
  • Psy.D., Clinical Psychology, Alliant International University—San Francisco Campus



  • 2017, National Institute of Health (NIH), National Institute of Drug Abuse.
    • Diversity Supplement to an existing RO1
    • Title: Uncovering Health Disparities Among First-Time Offending, Court Involved, Non-Incarcerated Latinx Youth
  • 2014 & 2016 NIH, Loan Repayment Program, Initial and Resubmission.
    • Title: Positive Adaptation for Trauma and Healing
  • 2013, America Psychological Association, Minority Fellowship Program
    • Treatment outcomes, Clinical Research Project
Scholarship and Contributions to the Field
  • Hoskins, D., Del Cid, M,Perez, L., & Tolou-Shams, M. (2019). "Ecological Systems in Relation to Latinx Youth in the Justice System: A Narrative Literature Review." Child and Youth Services Review.
  • Hoskins, D., Marshall, B., Koinis-Mitchel, D., Galbriath, K., & Tolou-Shams, M. (2018). "Latinx Youth at First Contact with the Juvenile Justice System: Trauma and Associated Behavioral Health Needs." Child Psychiatry and Human Development.
  • Hoskins, D., Duncan, L., Moskowitz, J., & Ordonez, A. (2017). "Positive Adaptations for Trauma and Healing (PATH), a Pilot Study of Group Therapy with Latino Youth." Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, and Practice.
  • Hoskins, D. and Padron, E. (2017). "The Practices of Curanderismo: A Qualitative Study from the Perspectives of Curanderos." Journal of Latino Psychology.
  • Hoskins, D. & Platt, J. (in press). "A collaborative model of care based upon the lived experiences of psychotherapists and traditional healers. In J. Cervantes & B. McNeil." Latinx Healing Practices: Psychotherapeutic Perspectives and Counseling Interventions. Cognella
  • Hoskins, D. & Padron, E. (2016). Historical Review of the history and tradition of Curanderismo. In R. Carrillo, & C. Saucedo Traditional Medicine and Mental Health: Integrative Practices. Hayes House, Carlsbad, CA.

Mojgan Khademi

morjan khademi

Mojgan Khademi, PsyD, FABP is a licensed psychologist (CA License #PSY15300), Board-Certified psychoanalyst, and fellow of the American Board of Psychoanalysis (FABP). She was the recipient of the American Psychoanalytic Association's Edith Sabshin Teaching Award in 2015, given in recognition of her outstanding contributions as an educator.

She is the founder and clinical director of the Center for Applied Psychology & Services (CAPS) on the San Diego campus of Alliant International University. CAPS is a psychodynamically oriented clinic providing low-cost, long-term psychodynamic treatment to the San Diego community at large. She has a private practice in San Diego.

Professional Interests
  • Psychodynamic theory and treatment
  • Psychotherapy intervention and treatment outcome studies
  • Treatment outcomes
  • Eating disorders
  • Suicide
  • Multicultural issues
  • Psychotherapy
  • Feminism.
Education and Certifications
  • PsyD, Indiana University of Pennsylvania



  • 2015 Recipient of Edith Sabshin Teaching Award (2015) given by the American Psychoanalytic Association in recognition of outstanding contributions as an educator. New York, NY.
Scholarship and Contributions to the Field
  • Blume-Marcovici, A. C., & Khademi, M. (2017). Supervising the crying therapist. In A. Blume-Marcovici (Ed.) When therapists cry: Reflections on therapists' tears in therapy. New York: Routledge Publishing.
  • Khademi, M. & Miller-Brunetto, H. (2016). "An integrated psychodynamic approach to treatment of eating disorders." In G. de Campora & G. C. Zavattini (Eds.) Mindful eating: Integrated routes for research and treatment of eating disorders in developmental age. Rome, Italy: Nova Publishers
  • Khademi, M. & Javaheri, F. & Giovannelli, F. (2017). "The petrified body: Psychodynamic treatment of a case of selective mutism and conversion hysteria." Revista de Psicanlise [Journal of Psychoanalysis]. Porto Alegre, Brazil.
  • Blume-Marcovici, A. C., Stolberg, R. A., & Khademi, M. (2015). "Examining Our Tears: Therapists' Accounts of Crying in Therapy." American Journal of Psychotherapy, 69(4), 399-421.
  • Blume-Marcovici, A. C., Stolberg, R. A., Khademi, M., & Giromini, L. (2015). "When Therapists Cry: Implications for Supervision and Training." The Clinical Supervisor, 34(2), 164-183.
  • Chidley, B., Khademi, M., Ducett, M., & Meany, K. P. (2014). "Bereavement during motherhood: A mixed method pilot study exploring bereavement while parenting." Bereavement Care, 33(1) 19-27. Http://
  • Blume-Marcovici, A., Stolberg, R., & Khademi, M. (2013). "Do therapists cry in therapy? The role of experience and other factors in therapists' tears." Psychotherapy. DOI: 10.1037/a0031384
  • Cate, R., Khademi, M., Judd, P. & Miller, H. (2013). "Deficits in mentalization as a risk factor for the future development of eating disorders: A pilot study." Advances in Eating Disorders: Theory, Research and Practice. DOI:10.1080/21662630.2013.794497
  • Gnazzo, A., Guerriero, V., Khademi, M., Manoogian, J., Kalayjian, A., Zavattino, G. C. & de Campora, G. (2016). The intergenerational impact of trauma: Individual, family and community implications. In J. Williams (Ed.) Psychopathology: Symptoms, challenges and current concepts. Rome, Italy: Nova Publishers.

Emil Rodolfa

emil rodolfa

Emil Rodolfa, Ph.D. has been actively involved in numerous aspects of psychology education and training throughout his career.  Prior to becoming a faculty member at Alliant International University in 2013, he worked as the Director of Training and Director of the University of California Davis Counseling and Psychological Services.  As a faculty member, he loves contributing to the personal and professional development of his students as they work to fulfill their professional dreams.

In addition to teaching, Dr. Rodolfa facilitates a Research Lab exploring psychology education and training issues. Topics that students in the lab have investigated  include: 1) factors influencing publication of a student's dissertation, 2) telesupervision, 3) the impostor syndrome, 4) training in suicide assessment and intervention, 5) training directors’ views of intern competency, 6) psychologist experiences with colleagues displaying competence problems, 7) the impact of COVID-19 on psychology education and training and 8) the challenges doctoral students encounter with social media sites.  All of these projects have been presented at conferences and some papers have been published.

Dr. Rodolfa is professionally active. He is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association (APA) and the Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards (ASPPB). He is the founding editor of the APPIC-APA journal, Training and Education in Professional Psychology and a Past-President of the State of California Board of Psychology. Dr. Rodolfa has served as a President of ASPPB, Chair of the Association of Psychology Postdoctoral and Internship Centers (APPIC), Chair of the Council of Chairs of Training Councils (CCTC), President of the Association of Counseling Center Training Agencies (ACCTA), a member of the governing board of the Association of University and College Counseling Center Directors (AUCCCD), Chair of the ASPPB Examination for Professional Practice in Psychology Step 2 (EPPP Part 2) Implementation Task Force and a member of the APA Commission on Accreditation (CoA).  Currently he is a member of the ASPPB EPPP Part 2 Examination Committee.  

Dr. Rodolfa has co-authored and edited 3 books, written a number of book chapters and numerous articles on education, training, and competency. He has received many professional acknowledgments for his professional contributions including the 2019 APA Award for Distinguished Career Contributions to Psychology Education and Training.

When not working, Dr. Rodolfa enjoys spending time with his family, playing horseshoes, and BBQing (some might call it grilling) at his cabin in the mountains.

Professional Interests
  • Psychology Education and Training
  • Professional Development
  • Professional Competency and Competency Assessment
  • Ethics and Legal Issues in Practice
  • Supervision
Education and Certifications
  • Ph.D. Major: Counseling Psychology. Minor: Clinical Psychology Texas A&M University, APA accredited. Internship: University of Iowa Counseling Services. APA accredited.
  • M.S. Major: Educational Psychology-emphasis in behavioral research and design. California State University-Hayward.
  • M.S. Major: Counseling-emphasis in clinical counseling. California State University-Hayward.
  • B.A. Major: Psychology. Minor: Sociology. San Jose State University.



  • American Psychological Association, Award for Distinguished Career Contributions to Psychology Education and Training
  • American Psychological Association, Presidential Citation, “for ensuring that training in psychology meets the highest standards for the profession.”
  • Association of Psychology Postdoctoral and Internship Centers, Connie Hercey Award, for distinguished service to APPIC
  • Association of Directors of Psychology Training Clinics, Friend of ADPTC Award, for significant contributions to ADPTC
  • American Psychological Association Board of Educational Affairs, Educational Advocacy Award, for contributions to the Garrett Lee Smith (Campus Care Act) Federal Legislation.
  • American Psychological Association, Award for Distinguished Contributions of Applications of Psychology to Education and Training
  • American Psychological Association Division of Counseling Psychology, John D. Black Award, for Outstanding Achievement in the Practice of Counseling Psychology
  • Association of Counseling Center Training Agencies, Helen Roehlke Service Award for distinguished contributions and service to ACCTA
  • Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards, Norma Simon Award, for significant contributions to ASPPB and the process of licensing psychologists nationally
  • Association of University and College Counseling Center Directors, Lifetime Achievement Award
  • Counsel of Chairs of Training Councils, Paul Nelson Award, for outstanding leadership in professional psychology education and training
  • Organization of Counseling Center Directors in Higher Education, Excellence in Leadership Award, for longstanding commitment to OCCDHE
  • University of California, Davis, Principles of Community Diversity Award, for significant contributions to the diverse campus community
  • Abnormal Psychology
  • Treatment of Sexual Disorders
  • Human Sexuality
  • Group process and procedures
  • Preparing for Practicum
  • Short-Term Psychotherapy
  • Clinical Psychology
  • Communication and Counseling Skills for Medical Students
  • Peer Counseling for Domestic Violence Survivors
  • Legal and Ethical Issues
  • Supervision
  • Four Dissertation Course sequence
  • Practicum group supervision
  • Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy
  • Intro to Psychotherapy
  • Psychopathology
Scholarship and Contributions to the Field
  • Estrada, S. & Rodolfa, E. (2017) "Multicultural Competence & DSM-5/ICD-10-CM." In Manese, J & Burnes, T. (editors), Casebook in Multicultural Supervision. Cogella Press
  • Macafee, L., Rasmussen, C., Rodolfa, E., (2021). "Competencies in Health Service Psychology." In Schwartz-Mette, R., Hunter, E., Kaslow, N. Supporting Trainees with Competence Problems: A Practical Guide for Psychology Trainers. American Psychological Association. Book in progress.
  • Prince, K. & Rodolfa, E. (2017). "Social multiple relationships between supervisor and supervisee." In Manese, J & Burnes, T. (editors), Casebook in Multicultural Supervision. Cogella Press.
  • Rodolfa, E., Cox, D., & Schaffer, J. B. (In press). "Credentialing: Licensure and Board Certification." In Kaslow, N. & Ponce, A., Comprehensive Clinical Psychology, 2nd Edition. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association.
  • Rodolfa, E. & Schaffer, J. (2017). Introduction to A casebook and workbook to help students assess and diagnose using the ICD-10-CM. American Psychological Association.
  • Rodolfa, E. & Schaffer, J. (2019). "Challenges to psychology education and training in the culture of competence." American Psychologist, 74(9), 1118-1128.
  • Rodolfa, E. & Schaffer., J. (2021). Can Ericksonian Therapy Become mainstream? Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 28, in press.
  • Rodolfa, E., & Webb, C. (2017). Part 2 of the Enhanced Examination for Professional Practice in Psychology. California Board of Psychology Journal, Spring 2017, 2-4, 10.
  • Rodolfa, E., & Webb, C. (2017). Part 2 of the Enhanced Examination for Professional Practice in Psychology. The CAP Monitor, Fall 2017, 10-14.
  • Schaffer, J., & Rodolfa, E. (2020) "Reflecting on Reflective Practice." Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice. Online version August 3, 2020, doi: 10.1111/cpsp.12361
  • Schaffer, J. & Rodolfa, E. (editors) (2017). A casebook and workbook to help students assess and diagnose using the ICD-10-CM. American Psychological Association: Washington DC.
  • Schaffer, J. & Rodolfa, E. (2017). Kompas ICD-10-CM: Een gids voor diagnostiek en classificatie van psychische en gedragsstoornissen. BV Uitgeverij SWP: Amsterdam
  • Schaffer, J. & Rodolfa, E. (editors) (2019). ICD-10-CM Studii de caz pentru viitorii psihologi clinicieni. .Trei: Bucuresti, Romania
  • Tigranyan, S., Byington, D., Liupakorn, D., Hicks, L., Lombardi, S., Mathis, M., & Rodolfa, E. (2019) "Factors related to the Impostor Phenomenon in Psychology Doctoral Students." Training and Education in Professional Psychology. Advance online publication.


Papers in Progress

  • Xiong, S., Ribeiro, D. Law, E., Brunt, D., Rodolfa, E. (2021). "Perceived Competency of licensed psychologists. Research in Progress with third year clinical psychology students." To be submitted to the American Psychologist.
  • Brunt, D., Law, E., Xiong, S., Riberio, D., Rodolfa, E., (2021). "Training Directors Perceptions of Intern Competency. Research in Progress with third year clinical psychology students." To be submitted to the Training and Education in Professional Psychology.
  • Pluckhan, L., Greeley, H., Raines, B., Rodolfa, E., (2021). "The Impact of Covid-19 on Doctoral Psychology Education. Research in Progress with second year clinical psychology students." To be submitted to Journal of Counselor Supervision.



  • April, Invited Presentation, The Enhanced Examination for Professional Practice in
  • Psychology: EPPP Parts 1 and 2. Association of Psychology Postdoctoral and Internship Centers, Membership Meeting, San Antonio, TX.
  • August, Invited Presentation, The EPPP Part 2: Can we assess skills for licensure? American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Washington, DC.
  • September, Invited Presentation, Practicing Legally and Ethically. University of California Davis, Counseling Services. Davis, CA.
  • October, Invited Presentation, Competency Models. Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards Annual Conference. Salt Lake City, Utah.
  • October, Invited Presentation, How does Competency Fit into Licensure. Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards Annual Conference. Salt Lake City, Utah.
  • October, Invited Presentation, The EPPP: Regulation Changes for a Skills Examination. Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards Annual Conference. Salt Lake City, Utah.


  • February, Presenter, APA Commission on Accreditation Site Visit Workshop. New Orleans, LA
  • March, Poster Presentation, Perceived Competency of Licensed Psychologists and Psychology Interns (with Students). Sacramento Valley Psychological Association. Sacramento, CA.
  • March, Poster Presentation, The Importance of Suicide Risk Assessment (with Students). Sacramento Valley Psychological Association. Sacramento, CA.
  • March, Poster Presentation, Factors Influencing the Impostor Phenomenon (with Students). Sacramento Valley Psychological Association. Sacramento, CA.
  • July, Invited Presentation, Developing a Practicum Training Program in a University Counseling Center. Counseling Center, California State University, Sacramento. Sacramento, CA.


  • August, Invited Address. Challenges to Psychology Education and Training in the Era of Competency. American Psychological Association. Chicago, IL.
  • August, Poster Presentation, Factors Influencing the Impostor Phenomenon (with Students). American Psychological Association. Online.


  • April, Poster Presentation, The Impact of Covid-19 on Psychology Doctoral Education (with Students). California Psychological Association. Online.
  • April, Poster Presentation, Psychology Internship Training Directors’ Perceptions of the Competency of Doctoral Interns (with Students). California Psychological Association. Online.
  • April, Poster Presentation, Perceptions of and Reactions to Licensed Psychologists with Competency Problems (with Students). California Psychological Association. Online.
  • August. Covid-19 on Psychology Doctoral Education (with Students). American Psychological Association (accepted for Presentation). Online.
  • August, Poster Presentation, Training Directors’ Perceptions of the Competency of Doctoral Interns (with Students). American Psychological Association (accepted for Presentation). Online.
  • August, Poster presentation, Licensed Psychologists Perceptions of and Reactions to Colleagues’ Competency Problems (with Students). American Psychological Association (accepted for Presentation). Online.

Julii Green

julii green

Dr. Julii Green, is an Eastern Band Cherokee & African American Associate Professor and clinician. She has taught for nine years in the Clinical PsyD Dept. at the California School of Professional Psychology/Alliant International University (San Diego). She teaches Foundations in Multicultural Psychology, Family Therapy with Ethnic Families, and Qualitative Research Methods. She obtained her PhD in clinical psychology from the University of North Dakota and completed postdoctoral studies at UC Berkeley (School of Public Health) and UCSF. Dr. Green has leadership experience within APA Div. 35 (Society of the Psychology of Women), sec. 6 (Alaska Native/American Indian women), is the current member-at-large (Native American slate) within Div.45 and has worked in community mental health for over 15years. She conducts research and advocates in the following areas:  IPV, Native American women and social determinants of health; Indigenous feminist focused-mentorship, as well as strategies to recruit/retain/and assist with the matriculation of ethnically diverse graduate psychology students.

Professional Interests
  • Social Justice and Radical Healing Approaches
  • Indigenous Feminist and Multicultural Psychology
  • Intersectionality and Decolonizing Praxis
Education and Certifications
  • MA, PhD
  • Div 45 ECP Service Award


Professional Activities

  • APA Div 45, Member-At-Large (Native Slate) & CEMA Liaison
  • APA Div 35, AWP/SPW Student Research Paper Award (co-chair) 
  • Co-chair DEI committee (CSPP-Clinical Psychology Dept, San Diego)


Professional and Honorary Memberships

  • APA Div. 35, APA 45, & Div. 2
  • ABPsi (San Diego Chapter)
  • SIP


Community Service

  • AIRO-Mentor
  • Reservation-to-Graduation (R2G) co-Founder 
  • Foundations in Multicultural Psychology
  • Qualitative Research Methods
  • Family Therapy with Ethnic Families
Scholarship and Contributions to the Field
  • Ross, R., Green, J., & Fuentes, M. (2022). Utilizing a strength-based approach to child maltreatment: Focusing on American Indian and Alaska Native children. Rutgers University Press. 
  • Straits, K., Green, J., Issacs, D., Tehee, M., & Smith, M. (2022). Leading through resilience: Climate change and Indigenous movements. H. Weaver (ed). Handbook of Indigenous Resilience, Routledge. 
  • Estrellado, J., Green, J., Shuman, T., & Staples, J. (2021) Cross-Racial and Intersectional Allyship. Efforts among Psychology Doctoral Programs. Research in Human Development. 

Joan Murray

joan murray

Joan Murray received her B.A. from the University of Pennsylvania in 1971 and her Ph.D. from the University of California, Los Angeles, in 1979. She is an Associate Professor in the Clinical Psy.D. Program at the California School of Professional Psychology (CSPP), where she has taught since 1984.

Professional Interests
  • Women's issues
  • Environmental issues
Education and Certifications
  • PhD, University of California, Los Angeles



  • Outstanding Clinical Faculty Award, CSPP, LA
  • Multivariate Statistics
  • Advanced Tests and Measurements
  • Research and Test Design
  • PsyD Statistics
Scholarship and Contributions to the Field
  • Murray, J., Harvey, S.M., & Beckman, L. (1989). "The importance of contraceptive attributes among college students." Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 19, 1327-1350.
  • Murray, J., & Abramson, P. (Eds.). (1983). Bias in psychotherapy. New York: Praeger.
  • Murray, J., & Feshbach, S. (1978). "Let's not throw the baby out with the bath water: The catharsis hypothesis revisited." Journal of Personality, 46, 462-471.

Ronald Stolberg

ronald stolberg

Dr. Stolberg is a native Californian and was born right here in San Diego. Despite San Diego being one of the most amazing places to live he has always had the travel bug and routinely finds himself in foreign countries either for pleasure or to work. Dr. Stolberg is a licensed clinical psychologist with a clinical specialty of working with acting out teenagers and their families. He is a strong proponent of family therapy and sees progress only when the entire system changes not just one family member. In addition, Dr. Stolberg has specialized in other high-risk groups including suicide, self-harm, and substance use disorders.

Dr. Stolberg recently published Teaching Kids to Think (Sourcebooks) with his wife, also a psychologist. Teaching Kids to Think has won several awards and been named too numerous top parenting book lists. It has also been adapted and translated into nearly 10 languages and can be found in Russia, Italy, China, Korea, and Romania just to name a few.

Dr. Stolberg regularly teaches psychological assessment courses and is a Fellow of the Society for Personality Assessment. He has published and presented numerous papers on psychological assessment and is particularly interested in how culture, acculturation, and language preference manifest on psychological assessment instruments.

Finally, because of his expertise in high-risk behavior, substance use and psychological assessment Dr. Stolberg routinely finds himself working with sports leagues, television shows, and high-profile entertainers and athletes. He was the psychologist for the hit reality television show Survivor and traveled on location with the show to ensure the mental health of the contestants and has had numerous appearances on news programs as an expert on sport psychology, peak performance, and mental toughness.

Professional Interests

Personality assessment instruments with an emphasis on the MMPI-2/MMPI-A; assessment instruments use among practicing clinicians; standard of care practices; suicide; clinical work with adolescents and families, and sport psychology

Education and Certifications

PhD, Pacific Graduate School of Psychology