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Andrew Bertagnolli

Dr. Bertagnolli is a licensed clinical psychologist and a core faculty member at the San Francisco campus. He has been affiliated with Alliant International University since 2006s been an adjunct faculty member since 2003. In addition, he is the National Director of Virtual Behavioral Health Services at One Medical, where his responsible for designing and developing new virtual programs and services to support members achieving and sustaining their mental health and wellness.

Prior to joining One Medical, Dr. Bertagnolli was with Optum Behavioral Health as Vice President of Care and Case Management and Recovery Programs after spending many years at Kaiser Permanente’s – National Offices as the Director of Integrated Behavioral Health. He has more than 25 years of health care experience and a strong background in healthcare operations, quality measurement and process improvement in the areas of behavioral health, suicide prevention, peer support, digital behavioral health, social determinants of health, evidence based psychotherapy practice and pain management.

Dr. Bertagnolli holds a B.A. from Vanderbilt University, an M.A., and Ph.D. from California School of Professional Psychology-San Francisco Bay Campus.  He completed his clinical training at University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center and Kaiser Permanente San Francisco.

Dr. Bertagnolli is currently on the Board of Directors of the National Alliance on Mental Illness – California, the Executive Committee of the National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention and the Academic Training & Education Standards Committee of the Association of Behavioral & Cognitive Therapies.

Professional Interests
  • Chronic pain management
  • Depression
  • Suicide prevention
  • Digital behavioral health
  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy
  • Evidence-based practices
  • Quality measurement in behavioral health
  • Integrated healthcare.
Education and Certifications
  • PhD Clinical Psychology - California School of Professional Psychology – San Francisco
  • Theory & Technique of Clinical Practice: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
  • Advanced Clinical Seminar: Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy
  • Clinical & Ethical Issues: Integrated Healthcare
  • Advanced Clinical Skills: Chronic Pain
Scholarship and Contributions to the Field
  • Botanov, Y., Cooper, L., Washburn, J. J., Bertagnolli, A. & McClain, T. (in press). Scientific Competence and Health Service Psychology Master’s Training: An Outline for an Applied Methodology Course Training and Education in Professional Psychology. Training and Education in Professional Psychology.
  • Botanov, Y., Cooper, L. D., Bertagnolli, A. & Washburn, J. J. (2022). Methods of assessing scientific competency in health service psychology master’s programs. Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 16(2), 173–181. 
  • Mohr, D, Azocar, F, Bertagnolli, A, Choudhury, P, Chrisp, P, Frank, R, Harbin, H, Histon, T, Kaysen, D, Nebeker, C, Richards, D, Schueller, SM, Titov, N, Torous, J, & Arean, P. (2021). Banbury Forum consensus statement on the path forward to digital mental health treatment. Psychiatric Services. 72(6), 677-683. 
  • Cooper, L, Bertagnolli, A, Botanov, Y, Jun, J, Valenstein-Mah, H, Washburn, J & Teisler, D. (2020) "Training competencies for master’s programs in health service psychology." The Behavior Therapist:43(4), 118-126.
  • Torous, J, Andersson, G, Bertagnolli, A, Christensen, H, Cuijpers, P, Firth, J, Haim, A, Hsin, H, Hollis, C, Lewis, S, Mohr, D, Pratap, A, Roux, S, Sherrill, J, Arean, PA (2019) "Towards a consensus around standards for smartphone apps and digital mental health." World Psychiatry 18:1, 97-98.
  • Karlin, B, Brown, G, Jager-Hyman, S, Wong, M, Lee, D, Bertagnolli, A & Ross, T (2018) "Dissemination and implementation of cognitive behavioral therapy for depression in the Kaiser Permanente system." Behavior Therapy: 50:2, 446-458.
  • Lewandowski, E, O’Connor, B, Bertagnolli, A, Tinoco, A, Beck, A, Gardner, W, Jelinek-Berents, C, Newton, D, Wain, K, Boggs, J, Brace, N, deSa, P, Scholle, S, Hoagwood, K & Horwitz, S. (2016) "Screening and diagnosis of depression in adolescents in a large HMO." Psychiatric Services.
  • The Kennedy Forum (2015) "Fixing Behavioral Health Care in America: A National Call for Measurement-Based Care in the Delivery of Behavioral Health Services. [White paper]." The Kennedy Forum.
  • The Kennedy Forum (2015) "Fixing Behavioral Health Care in America: A National Call for Integrating Specialty Behavioral Health Care with the Medical System. [White paper]." The Kennedy Forum.
  • Mental Health America, Inc. (2015) "National Certified Peer Specialist (NCPS) Certification: An Overview of the Development and Launch of the First National, Advanced Peer Support Specialist Certification [White Paper]." Mental Health America.
  • California Association of Social Rehabilitation Specialists (2014) "Meaningful Roles for Peer Providers in Integrated Healthcare: A Guide. [White paper]." CASRA.