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Caroline Mok

Caroline Mok

Caroline Mok, Ph.D. is an Adjunct Professor in the APA-accredited Clinical Psychology PsyD Program on the Emeryville Campus and first joined Alliant in 2022. Se received her doctorate in 2013 from Palo Alto University, completed her internship at Metropolitan State Hospital in Los Angeles and post-doctoral training at Palo Alto University and Department of Veteran Affairs in Palo Alto and, and stayed at the university for several years as a researcher, program director, and adjunct professor. Dr. Mok received extensive training in psychodiagnostic, neuropsychological, and forensic assessment at Department of Veteran Affairs and on inpatient units at Vacaville Prison and Metropolitan State Hospital. Dr. Mok continued her assessment practice in Berkeley, California, providing individual and group psychotherapy and assessment for the local community, surrounding schools, and attorneys in need of an expert witness in civil litigation proceedings. 

Education and Certifications

Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology, Palo Alto University of Master of Science in Forensic Psychology, John Jay College of Criminal Justice Bachelor of Arts, University of Miami, Florida

Vanessa Kovachy

Vanessa Kovachy

Dr. Vanessa Kovachy is a certified school psychologist. Dr. Kovachy earned her undergraduate degree from Harvard University in the field of Psychology. After graduating, Dr. Kovachy conducted research at Stanford University School of Medicine studying the effects of preterm birth on neural development and academic performance. She piloted, managed, and conducted the assessments investigating how children born preterm differed in their academic, functional, behavioral, and social emotional functioning compared to their full-term peers. Additionally, this research centered on how white matter differences between preterm and full term children impacted later academic attainment. During this tenure, Dr. Kovachy published several peer reviewed articles, presented at national conferences, and added considerable and important information to the field of educational neuroscience and developmental medicine. Dr. Kovachy earned her Masters of Arts in Education and additional certification in School-Based Mental Health Services at Alliant International University. She then earned her Doctorate in Educational Psychology at Alliant International University. Her dissertation focused on the Best Practices in the School-based Assessment of Children Born Preterm.

Dr. Kovachy has extensive and advanced training on the assessment of developmental disorders, including Autism Spectrum Disorders. She uses a variety of techniques to elucidate the neuropsychological underpinnings of specific learning disabilities (e.g. dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, and intellectual disabilities. Dr. Kovachy also has extensive experience with both evaluating and providing interventions, counseling, and parent training for individuals with social emotional and behavioral disorders, including oppositional defiant disorder, conduct disorder, disruptive mood dysregulation disorder, anxiety disorders, and depression. Dr. Kovachy advocates for the use of science-based intervention, collaboration with school and medical teams, and ongoing support for both the individual and family to meet the needs of all individuals.

Dr. Kovachy taught individuals at both the Masters and Doctorate Level since 2018. She is a member of the National Association of School Psychologists and Illinois School Psychologists Association. She holds credentials and licensure in Illinois and California.

Education and Certifications

PsyD in Educational Psychology, Alliant International University

Thaddeus Camlin

Thaddeus Camlin

Thaddeus Camlin, PsyD, is assistant professor at the California School of Professional Psychology (CSPP) at Alliant. He teaches courses in chemical dependency, integrative psychology, psychopathology, and ethics. He also runs The Center for Integrative Psychology at CSPP, offering specialized training in the practice of integrative psychotherapy. 

Research interests include psychedelic assisted psychotherapy, integrative harm reduction for addictive problems, and integrative psychology. Dr. Camlin completed his undergraduate work at Marquette University, majoring in psychology with a minor in theology. He completed his graduate training with an integrative emphasis at CSPP, where he completed his doctoral dissertation on the use of ibogaine to treat opioid use disorders. He later published an article version of his dissertation in a peer-reviewed journal. 

In addition to his role as core faculty, Dr. Camlin works as a psychologist specializing in self-empowering treatment for addictive problems at Practical Recovery in San Diego. He is certified in Community Reinforcement And Family Training (CRAFT) and as a SMART Recovery facilitator.

Mark Barnes

Mark Barnes

Mark Barnes, PhD., is a child psychologist who has worked with children and adolescents since 1984. He holds a doctorate in Clinical Psychology and is a licensed psychologist. He also holds a Master's degree in Marriage, Family, and Child Counseling. Dr. Barnes has diverse experience in treating children, adolescents, and their families in a variety of settings including hospitals, residential treatment centers, as well as day treatment and outpatient programs. Dr. Barnes has a specialty in psychological testing, as well as the treatment of depression, attention deficit disorder, and developmental issues of children and adolescents. Dr. Barnes follows a relationship based depth oriented approach when treating children and adolescents. Trained in Play and Sandplay treatment approaches, as well as interpersonal treatment strategies Dr. Barnes uses a variety of therapeutic approaches to assess and treat those who suffer from mild to severe mental health issues. Dr. Barnes has successfully treated children from as young as four years of age to young adulthood.

Over the years of Dr. Barnes’ professional life, as well as treating children, adolescents and their families, he has held positions within the community at The Sullivan Center for Children including being the Assistant Clinical Director of the Center. He was also the Director of Training, overseeing the training components at the Center, including the APPIC member internship and post-doctoral fellowship training programs. Dr. Barnes has also served as a clinical supervisor to participating pre-doctoral interns and post-doctoral fellows. He supervises students in training and pre-doctoral interns at The Gary W. Cannon Psychological Service Center, which is affiliated with The California School of Professional Psychology at Alliant International University. In addition, Dr. Barnes has supervised practicum students and Licensed Marriage and Family Interns through the Onsite Counseling Center at Fresno Pacific University.

Francesca Kassing

Francesca Kassing

Dr. Francesca Kassing in an Associate Professor and the Director of Clinical Training of the Clinical Psychology PsyD Program at California School of Professional Psychology at Alliant International University, Fresno. She is a licensed psychologist and has specialty experience and research interests in trauma and adversity, suicidality, LGBTQIA+ individuals, and child, adolescent, and young adult populations. Dr. Kassing received her M.A. and Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from the University of Alabama, and completed her doctoral internship at Augusta University/Medical College of Georgia and her postdoctoral fellowship at Baylor College of Medicine/Texas Children’s Hospital. She serves as a Co-Investigator for a multi-site, NIMH-funded study focused on treating suicidality in college students. She previously served as a co-chair of the Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity Special Interest Group of the International Society of Traumatic Stress Studies and was awarded the Deborah L. Rhatigan Early Career Award for Excellence in Violence Research in 2019 for her work on polyvictimization and health outcomes among LGBTQIA+ populations.

Professional Interests

Dr. Kassing’s research interests include trauma and adversity, minority stress and resilience among LGBTQIA+ populations, interventions to address posttraumatic stress and suicidality, and effectiveness and implementation-based mental health services research. Her current research explores adaptive treatment strategies to address suicidality in college students and mental health correlates of gender minority stress and resilience.

Education and Certifications
  • Duke University, B.A.
  • University of Alabama, M.A.
  • University of Alabama, Ph.D.
Scholarship and Contributions to the Field
  • Drescher, C. F., Kassing, F., Mahajan, A., & Stepleman, L. M. (2023). "The impact of transgender minority stress and emotion regulation on suicidality and self-harm." Psychology & Sexuality, 14, 432-444.
  • Dodd, C. G., Kassing, F., Alvis, L. A., Hill, R. M., & Kaplow, J. B., (2022). "Prevalence and correlates of externalizing behaviors among youth seeking treatment following trauma exposure." Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 5(Suppl 1), S20–S28.
  • Kassing, F., Lochman, J. E., Vernberg, E., & Hudnall, M., (2021). "Using crime data to assess longitudinal relationships between community violence and aggressive behavior among at-risk youth." The Journal of Early Adolescence, 42, 431-448.
  • Kassing, F., Casanova, T., Griffin, J., Wood, E., & Stepleman, L. R., (2021). "The effects of polyvictimization on mental and physical health outcomes in an LGBTQ sample." Journal of Traumatic Stress, 34, 161-171.
  • Kassing, F., Alvis, L., Hill, R. M., Kaplow, J. B., (2021). "A person-centered approach to examining polytraumatization among traumatized and bereaved youth." Journal of Loss and Trauma, 26, 352-365.
  • Kassing, F., Dodd, C. G., Palmer, L. E., Hill, R. M., (2020). "Comfort expressing emotions and suicide ideation: Evidence of indirect effects via perceived burdensomeness and thwarted belongingness", 26, 886-895. Archives of Suicide Research.
  • McDonald, K., Vernberg, E., Lochman, J. E., Abel, M., Jarrett, M., Kassing, F., Powell, N., Qu, L., (2019). "Trajectories of tornado-related post-traumatic stress symptoms and pre-exposure predictors in a sample of at-risk youth." Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 87, 1003-1018.
  • Lochman, J. E., Boxmeyer, C., Kassing, F., Powell, N., & Stromeyer, S., (2019) "Cognitive-behavioral interventions for youth at-risk for conduct problems: Future directions." Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 48, 799-810.
  • Kassing, F., Godwin, J., Lochman, J. E., Coie, J. D., & Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group (2018). "Using early childhood behavior problems to predict adult convictions." Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 47, 765-778.
  • Kassing, F., Lochman, J. E., & Glenn, A. L, (2018). "Autonomic functioning in reactive versus proactive aggression in children: The influential role of parenting." Aggressive Behavior, 44, 524-536.

Laura Olson Bermudez

Laura Olson Bermudez

Dr. Bermudez (she, her) earned her doctorate at the California School of Professional Psychology in Los Angeles.  Her professional background includes clinical work, research, and teaching in the field of health psychology and educational psychology.  Her clinical areas of focus include pediatric health psychology, educational psychology, and psychodiagnostic assessment throughout the lifespan. 

Dr. Bermudez worked as a clinical psychologist at Rady Children's Hospital conducting assessments on infants and young children in the Developmental Evaluation Clinic, Polinsky Children’s Center and C3 (Children’s Care Connection).  She completed her pre-doctoral, APA Approved, internship at the Children’s Hospital of Orange County, Health Psychology Department.  She also completed a pre-doctoral practicum at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, University Affiliated Program with USC School of Medicine, Center for Child Development.  Dr. Bermudez was part of research teams at both Rady Children's Hospital Center for Child Health Outcomes, and at the UCSD Cancer Center. She is 3rd author on a publication in the journal, Pediatrics, titled, ""Parents’ Perceptions of Primary Care:  Measuring Parents’ Experiences of Pediatric Primary Care Quality.""  Dr. Bermudez was a consulting psychologist for the Rady Children’s Hospital, Child & Adolescent Services Research Center.  She collaborated on research to develop a clinical pathway for primary care physicians to aid in the diagnosis of ADHD.  

Dr. Bermudez has been teaching psychology courses at the undergraduate level for over 25 years. She is currently teaching at a local community college, in addition to AIU, where she is part of the Strong Workforce Faculty Institute, an organization that promotes equitable teaching practices in order to improve retention and success in disproportionately impacted college students.   Dr. Bermudez also works with the Association of College and University Educators (ACUE) as a facilitator teaching college professors Inclusive Practices for Equitable Learning.

Professional Interests

Dr. Bermudez’s research and clinical interests are largely quantitative and emphasize diversity. Specific areas of interest include educational psychology, positive psychology, women’s issues, health psychology, developmental psychology (young children-adolescence), and psychological interventions/program development. 

Education and Certifications
  • Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology
  • Microcredential in Teaching:  Inclusive Teaching for Equitable Learning & Fostering a Culture of Belonging
  • Intellectual Assessment
  • Developmental Psychology
  • Developmental Psychopathology
  • Cognitive and Affective Bases of Behavior
  • G2 Consultation
  • Dissertation Proposal group
Scholarship and Contributions to the Field
  • Ad Hoc Scientific Peer Reviewer for Journals including Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology, Training and Education in Professional Psychology, Journal of Diversity in Higher Education, Journal of Educational Psychology, and School Psychology.  

Bianca Cersosimo

Bianca Cersosimo

Bianca Cersosimo, Ph.D. is a California Licensed Clinical Psychologist and Assistant Professor at Alliant International University's Clinical Psychology Psy.D. Program in San Diego. She earned her BA in Psychology at Loyola University New Orleans where she graduated Cum Laude, and subsequently earned her MA in Clinical Psychology at Columbia University and her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology at Adelphi University. Her research focuses on integrative psychotherapy, personality pathology, treatment process and outcome, assessment, therapeutic alliance, and related factors. She completed a post-doctoral fellowship in psychological assessment and has also had clinical and research experiences in the area of health psychology. Dr. Cersosimo has published peer-reviewed scientific articles and presented posters, papers, and moderated panels at academic conferences. She is an early career researcher and clinician, and most recently received the George Stricker Fellowship for Psychotherapy Integration Research in 2020. Dr. Cersosimo is dedicated to teaching and scholarship that focuses on helping students expand their knowledge about psychopathology, psychotherapy, and research through considering patient perspectives and cultural and systemic factors.

Professional Interests
  • Integrative psychotherapy
  • Personality pathology
  • Therapeutic alliance
  • Psychological assessment
  • Treatment process and outcome
  • Health psychology
Education and Certifications
  • Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology, Adelphi University
  • MA in Clinical Psychology, Columbia University
  • BS in Psychology, Loyola University New Orleans
  • California Licensed Clinical Psychologist, PSY 34256
  • Psychopathology
  • Abnormal Psychology
  • Research Methods
Scholarship and Contributions to the Field
  • Cersosimo, B., Hilsenroth, M., Bornstein, R., Gold., J., & Blais, M. (2023). "Convergence in patient and therapist alliance ratings early in treatment with Personality Assessment Inventory clinical scales and subscales." Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy. Advanced online publication. DOI: 10.1002/cpp.2891
  • Cersosimo, B. H., Hilsenroth, M. J., Bornstein, R. F., Gold, J. R., & Blais, M. A. (2022). "Personality assessment inventory items in relation to patient‐and therapist‐rated alliance." Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 29 (6), 1905-1917.
  • Cersosimo, B. H., & Farber, B. A. (2021). "Is there something distinctive about psychotherapy clients’ dishonesty about self-destructive behaviors?" Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 35 (1), 230-241.
  • Cersosimo, B., Hilsenroth, M., Bornstein, R. & Gold, J. (2021) "Personality Assessment Inventory Clinical Scales in Relation to Patient and Therapist Rated Alliance Early in Treatment." Assessment, 29 (4), 806-816.
  • Cersosimo, B. H., & Hilsenroth, M. J. (2020) "Personality pathology severity, cluster type and specific therapeutic interventions in outpatient psychotherapy." Counselling and Psychotherapy Research org/10.1002/capr.12305
  • Charvet, L., Cersosimo, B., Schwarz, C., Belman, A., & Krupp, L. B. (2016). "Behavioral symptoms in pediatric multiple sclerosis: Relation to fatigue and cognitive impairment." Journal of Child Neurology, 31(8), 1062-1067. doi:10.1177/0883073816636227
  • Charvet, L. E., Taub, E., Cersosimo, B., Rosicki, C., Melville, P., & Krupp, L. B. (2015). "The Montreal cognitive assessment (MoCA) in multiple sclerosis: Relation to clinical features." Journal of Multiple Sclerosis, 2(135), 2376- 0389. doi:
  • Groth, T., Hilsenroth, M., McMillen, K., Cersosimo, B., Bindon, N., Cain, L., & Katz, M. (2021). "How are expert therapists similar, different, and integrative in the treatment of borderline personality disorder?" Psychotherapy, 58 (2), 310.
  • Goldman, R. E., Hilsenroth, M. J., Gold, J. R., Cersosimo, B. H., Levy, S. R., & Owen, J. J. (2018). "Psychotherapy integration and borderline personality pathology: An examination of treatment outcomes." Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, 28 (4), 444-461. doi:

Meghan Fagundes

Meghan Fagundes

Dr. Meghan Fagundes (she/they) is an Assistant Professor, Consultant, Clinical Supervisor, Licensed Clinical Psychologist and Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist from San Diego, California. Since 2002, they have worked in community-based organizations, outpatient, residential and inpatient facilities, hospitals, and prison, offering clinical services to active-duty military and historically marginalized groups such as those with severe mental illness, co-occurring disorders, the LGBTQIA+ community, low-income and forensic populations. Along with teaching, Dr. Fagundes works in an inclusive and affirming private practice and consults with organizations to provide supervision, trauma-informed care, and presentations on the neurobiology of trauma. For nearly a decade they provided treatment to youth with sexually abusive behavior and they currently provide clinical supervision at a local treatment facility for such youth. Their research publications include studies of youth with sexually abusive behavior, and their TEDx presentation, “Dangerous Myths About Juvenile Sex Offenders” has been used at conferences, in classrooms, and in the media to address problematic stereotypes about this population. 

Professional Interests

Dr. Fagundes specializes in integrative somatic trauma therapy, polyvagal theory, internal family systems, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), intergenerational, systemic, and complex trauma, forensic assessment, sexually abusive youth, social justice, liberation psychology, community-based mental health, and the LGBTQIA+ community. They are trained in somatic psychedelic assisted therapy as well as ketamine assisted psychotherapy and psychedelic medicine through the Psychedelic Research and Training Institute (PRATI), and also completed a PRATI certificate in psychedelic medicine for end of life therapy and existential distress. In addition, Dr. Fagundes trained in MDMA assisted therapy through the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) education program. In the Clinical Psychology Psy.D. program at Alliant, Dr. Fagundes teaches courses in psychological assessment, cognitive and affective psychology, and behavioral neuroscience.

Education and Certifications
  • Ph.D. Clinical Psychology, Alliant International University
  • M.A. Clinical Psychology, Alliant International University
  • M.S. Marriage and Family Therapy, San Diego State University
  • B.A. Psychology, University of California, San Diego
  • PSY31947 (CA)
  • LMFT 53683 (CA)

Shawn Nunnally

Alliant Faculty Member

Dr. S. Nunnally has a Doctor of Psychology (Psy.D.) in Educational Psychology. Dr. S. Nunnally is an Assistant Professor for the CSOE Psy.D. Educational Psychology Online Program. 


Dr. S. Nunnally has 21 years as school based practitioner including the county office of education as a school psychologist, community mental health settings, behavior support services for public and nonpublic schools, advocacy, and as a special education teacher within alternative public school settings. 

Dr. S. Nunnally has been on staff with Alliant International University CSOE program supports since 2010. Experience has included: chairing doctoral dissertation/projects, dissertation reader/consultant, instructing and developing courses both within the doctoral and masters level programs. 

Professional Interests

Dr. Nunnally’s professional interests include: Neuro-cognitive Processing and Childhood Trauma, Applied Behavior Analysis, School Based Research Designs, School Neuropsychology within the Schools. 

Education and Certifications

Dr. S. Nunnally is a Licensed Educational Psychologist (LEP) and Board Certified Behavior Analyst. Additionally, Dr. Nunnally holds a Clear Pupil Personnel Service credential in School Psychology and a Professional Clear Level II Education Specialist Instruction credential in the State of California. 

Dr. S. Nunnally received his Doctor of Psychology in Educational Psychology from Alliant International University, Los Angeles in 2010. 

Danielle Hankins

Alliant Faculty Member

Dr. Danielle Hankins is a dedicated educational psychologist with a strong background in a variety of areas, including K-12 education systems, special and general education programming, curriculum/program  evaluation, graduate course development, school neuropsychological assessment, psychoeducational assessment, evidence-based intervention planning, formative/summative assessment data analysis, parental collaboration in K-12 education, multidisciplinary team collaboration and cohesion, and expert-level interpretation of psychoeducational evaluations and reports.

With her experience in K-12 education systems, Dr. Hankins possesses a comprehensive understanding of the complexities and nuances within educational settings. She has worked closely with administrators, educators, and students to navigate the challenges and opportunities present in both special and general education programs. Dr. Hankins is committed to promoting best practices and ensuring access to quality education for all students.

As an educator, Dr. Hankins has played a pivotal role in the development of graduate courses. She has designed and taught specialized courses that encompass various topics, including assessment practices, multidisciplinary strategies, professional roles in educational psychology, psychopharmacology, and developmental psychopathology. She is committed to empowering future professionals, which is reflected in her engaging and comprehensive coursework and through her role as a dissertation chair, which prepares students to excel in the field of educational psychology.

Professional Interests
  • School Neuropsychology
  • Advanced Special Education Assessment/Evaluation
  • Education Systems Consultation
  • Parental Involvement in Education
  • Professional Roles in Education
  • Special Education Advocacy
  • Suicide Prevention 
Education and Certifications
  • PsyD (Educational Psychology)
  • MaED (Masters in Education-School Psychology)
  • PPS (Pupil Personnel Services Credential-School Psychology -Ca)
  • ABSNP (Diplomate, American Board of School Neuropsychology)
  • Principles of School Neuropsychology (I and II)
  • Psychopharmacology
  • Developmental Psychopathology
  • Interdisciplinary Group Facilitation
  • Professional Roles (Educational Psychology)
  • Organizational Psychology And Management In Systems: Consultation

Seema Saigal

Seema Saigal

Dr. Seema Saigal is a Professor in the PsyD program at the California School of Professional Psychology, Alliant International University. She earned her Ph.D. from Northwestern University and her B.A. from Cornell University and is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist in private practice. Dr. Saigal is passionate about student mentorship and fosters inclusive spaces that celebrate diversity and promote academic rigor, open dialogue, and critical thinking. Dr. Saigal was humbled to receive a Teaching Excellence Award in 2022 and a Faculty of the Year award in 2019. Dr. Saigal’s current research focuses on the process of implementing inclusive, intersectional, identity affirming pedagogy and the provision of culturally congruent supervision and clinical care. Dr. Saigal is also interested in close relationships and the ways in which personality traits, mental health symptoms, behavioral interaction patterns, and geographic proximity impact health and relationship satisfaction. In her private practice, Dr. Saigal focuses on the provision of culturally responsive care and utilizes acceptance and commitment therapy and strength-based approaches designed to promote growth and resilience.  

Professional Interests
  • Inclusive, identity affirming pedagogy
  • Culturally responsive supervision and clinical care 
  • Positive psychology
  • Evidence based therapies
  • Close relationships
Education and Certifications
  • Ph.D. Clinical Psychology, Northwestern University
  • B.A. Psychology and Biological Sciences, Cornell University
  • Multicultural Psychology
  • Cognitive Behavior Therapy
  • Ethics
  • History & Systems
Scholarship and Contributions to the Field
  • Preston, A., Saigal, S., Barrie, R., McKinney, H., Mooney, S., & Padala, P. R. (2022). "Defeated No More: Meaning-Making After Military Sexual Trauma." Military medicine. doi: 10.1093/milmed/usab528
  • Du Bois, S. N., Woodward, H., Manser, K., Saigal, S., Santic, F., Tully, T., & Sher, T. G. (2021). "Examining Relationship-Level Predictors of Individual-Level Health in Long Distance Relationships." The Family Journal. doi: 10664807211054151.
  • Persinger, V. C., Whiteside, D. M., Bobova, L., Saigal, S. D., Vannucci, M. J., & Basso, M. R. (2018). "Using the California Verbal Learning Test, as an embedded performance validity measure among individuals with TBI and individuals with psychiatric disorders." The Clinical Neuropsychologist32(6), 1039-1053.
  • Vannucci, M. J., Whiteside, D. M., Saigal, S., Nichols, L., & Hileman, S. (2016). "Predicting Supervision Outcomes: What is Different about Psychological Assessment Supervision?" Australian Psychologist, 1-6. doi:10.1111/ap.12258

Natalie Bennett

Natalie Bennett

Dr. Natalie Bennett is an Assistant Professor and the Director of Clinical Training of the clinical PsyD program on the Sacramento campus. She earned her PhD in clinical psychology from the University of Nevada- Reno, where her research focused on forensic concepts related to child sexual abuse. She completed internship and postdoctoral fellowship at the CAARE Center at UC Davis Children’s Hospital, providing assessment and intervention for children and families with histories of abuse, neglect, or involvement in the child welfare system. She is a certified provider and trainer in Parent-Child Care, a program designed to promote children’s socioemotional development through play with caregivers.

Dr. Bennett’s professional interests remain centered around child maltreatment, forensics, and trauma therapy. A proud Latina, she has additional interest in supporting health equity for underserved populations. Given her love for math and science, Dr. Bennett teaches the Research Methods & Statistics sequence and holds weekly dissertation office hours available to all students in the program. Her theoretical orientation draws primarily from radical behaviorism and contextual science, as well as existentialism. She leads the Sexual Trauma and Health Equity research lab, where students can participate in all aspects of the research process from project development to publication.

In addition to her experience in academia, Dr. Bennett has worked as a pediatric psychologist within a primary care clinic in Oregon, providing integrated behavioral health care to children from birth to 18. Although her passion lies in working with youth and families, she also has extensive clinical and teaching experience in adult assessment and intervention, particularly in exposure therapies for trauma.

In her free time, Dr. Bennett is usually outside in the Sierras— hiking, trail running, backpacking, rock climbing— with her partner and two pitties.

Professional Interests
  • Child maltreatment; sexual abuse and assault
  • Trauma therapy across the lifespan
  • Parent-child dyadic therapies and infant mental health
  • Health equity for underserved groups, especially the Latine population
Education and Certifications
  • PhD Clinical Psychology, University of Nevada- Reno
  • BS Psychology, minor in Neuroscience, with Honors Research Distinction, The Ohio State University
  • Certified Provider and Trainer, Parent-Child Care
  • Research Methods & Statistics
  • Cognitive and Behavioral Approaches to Intervention
  • Evidence-Based Treatment for Trauma
  • First-Year Practicum Consultation
  • Proposal Development & Dissertation 
Scholarship and Contributions to the Field
  • Denning, D. M., Newlands, R. T., Bennett N., & Benuto, L. (2022). Sexual education experiences and curriculum recommendations from survivors of sexual violence: A mixed methods study. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment, & Trauma, 32(1).
  • Bennett, N. M. & Blankenship, A. P. (2020). Behavioral problems in children. In L. T. Benuto, F. Gonzalez, & J. Singer (Eds.) Handbook for Cultural Factors in Behavioral Health: A Guide for the Helping Professional. Springer.
  • Benuto, L. T., Yang, Y., Bennett, N., & Lancaster, C. (2020). Distress tolerance and emotion regulation as potential mediators between secondary traumatic stress and maladaptive coping mechanisms. Journal of Interpersonal Violence (37), 13-14.
  • Benuto, L., Casas, J., Bennett, N., & Leany, B. (2020). The MMPI-2-RF: A pilot study of Latinx vs. non-Latinx Whites Profiles. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 51(5), 496-506.
  • Benuto, L., Bennett, N., & Casas, J. (2020). Minority participation in randomized controlled trials on Prolonged Exposure. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 33(4), 420-431.
  • Bennett, N., & O’Donohue, W. (2020). Identifying grooming of children for sexual abuse: Gender effects and increased false positives from internet information. International Journal of Psychology and Psychological Therapy, 20(2), 133-145.
  • Benuto, L.T., Bennett, N., Newlands, R., & Casas, J. (October 2019). Using Spanish-language interpreters to deliver treatment to trauma-exposed Latinxs: Results from a pilot study. In L. Benuto (Chair), Culturally Responsive Intervention Efforts for Trauma-Exposed Latinxs. Symposium presented at meeting of the National Latinx Psychological Association, Miami, FL.
  • Bennett, N., Reinosa-Segovia, F. & Benuto, L. T. (October 2019). The acceptability of a brief parenting program among Latina mothers. Poster presented at the meeting of the National Latinx Psychological Association, Miami, FL.
  • Benuto, L., O’Donohue, W., Bennett, N., & Casas, J. (2019). Treatment outcomes for Latinos and Non-Hispanic White victims of crime: An effectiveness study. Hispanic Journal of the Behavioral Sciences, 41(3), 378-391.
  • Benuto, L. & Bennett, N. (2019). Written exposure therapy: The case for Latinos. Clinical Case Studies, 18(3), 175-184.

  • Bennett, N., Newlands, R., & O’Donohue, W.T. (2018). Juvenile Sexual Offense Risk and Recidivism Assessment Tool (JSORRAT). In R.D. Morgan (Ed.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of Criminal Psychology. Sage.
  • Bennett, N., & O’Donohue, W.T. (2018). Pedophilia. In R.D. Morgan (Ed.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of Criminal Psychology. Sage.
  • O’Donohue, W.T., Kahler, J., Bennett, N., Cirlugea, O., & Benuto, L. (2017). Paraphilias: An overview of the current state of the field. In D. McKay, J. Abramowitz, & E. Storch (Eds.), Mechanisms of Syndromes and Treatment for Psychological Problems. Wiley.
  • O’Donohue, W.T., Cirlugea, O., Bennett, N., & Benuto, L. (2016). Psychological and investigative pathways to untrue allegations of sexual abuse. In W.T. O’Donohue & M. Fanetti (Eds.), Forensic Interviews Regarding Child Sexual Abuse: A Guide to Evidence-Based Practice. Springer.
  • Bennett, N. & O’Donohue, W.T. (2016). Child abusers’ threats and grooming techniques. In W.T. O’Donohue & M. Fanetti (Eds.), Forensic Interviews Regarding Child Sexual Abuse: A Guide to Evidence-Based Practice. Springer.
  • O’Donohue, W., Benuto, L.T., & Bennett, N. (2016). Commentary: Examining the utilization of Parental Alienation Syndrome. Journal of Child Custody, 13(2-3), 113-125.
  • Benuto, L. & Bennett, N. (2015). Using Prolonged Exposure Therapy to treat a Latina female with a complex trauma history. International Journal of Psychology and Psychological Therapy, 15(1), 143-153.
  • Bennett, N.M., Benuto, L.T., & Leany, B.D. (2015). Assessing risk and recidivism in African Americans. In L.T. Benuto & B.D. Leany (Eds.) Guide to Psychological Assessment with African Americans. Springer.
  • Bennett, N. M. & O’Donohue, W. T. (2014). The construct of grooming in child sexual abuse: Conceptual and measurement issues. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 3(8), 957-76.
  • O’Donohue, W. T., Carlson, G., Benuto, L., & Bennett, N. M. (2014). Examining the scientific validity of Rape Trauma Syndrome. Journal of Psychiatry, Psychology, and Law, 21(6), 858-876.
  • Medjuck, J., Cirlugea, O., & Bennett, N. (2014). Developing healthy sexuality. In D.S. Bromberg & W.T. O’Donohue (Eds.), Toolkit for Working with Juvenile Sexual Offenders. Elsevier.