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APA Accreditation: Why It Matters
Alliant International University

APA Accreditation: Why It Matters

Can you imagine what it would be like to pursue a career as a psychologist without a built-in quality-control process? It would be pretty challenging...
How Does Marriage Counseling Work?
Alliant International University

How Does Marriage Counseling Work?

Despite the stigma slowly lifting itself away from individuals engaging in counseling and the therapy process, there still exists one major...

National Depression Screening Day: A Personal Relation
Alliant International University

National Depression Screening Day: A Personal Relation

I have been clinically diagnosed with unipolar depression since I was 22, but you wouldn’t know it from looking at me, and, honestly, most of the time...

CSPP at APA Convention 2019
Alliant International University

CSPP at APA Convention 2019

CSPP is excited to be exhibiting at the 2019 APA Convention in Chicago Please be sure to swing by and say hello at our booth, booth 301 ! Let's Get...

Social Media and its Effects on Mental Health
Alliant International University

Social Media and its Effects on Mental Health

Social media is everywhere—has been for a long time now. The whole world now can be viewed through the lens of social media. Between every business...
How Environmental Factors Impact Mental Health
woman with a clinical psychology graduate program credentials reviewing records with patient

How Environmental Factors Impact Mental Health

Mental illness is one of many widespread health challenges and the conditions surrounding it is complex and multi-causal. Many people often assume...
Survival Tips for Marriage Ending
Alliant International University

Survival Tips for Marriage Ending

The end of a marriage can be incredibly challenging on many levels, including emotionally, mentally, and financially. While every marriage is...