Matthew Baity, Ph.D. is a Professor in the APA-accredited Clinical Psychology PsyD Program on the Emeryville Campus and first joined Alliant in 2008 as Clinical PsyD faculty in Sacramento. He received his doctorate in 2003 from the University of Arkansas, completed his internship and post-doctoral training at Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School, and stayed at the hospital for several years as a staff psychologist before moving to California. Dr. Baity received extensive training in personality and neuropsychological assessment at both an outpatient clinic, and as part of the Psychiatry Consult-Liaison Team on inpatient medical floors. Once on staff, Dr. Baity continued his assessment practice, provided both both long and short-term psychotherapy in a general outpatient clinic, evaluated and treated individuals in an outpatient substance abuse clinic, and joined the Dialectical Behavior Therapy Team as both an individual and group therapist.
Interests that have maintained throughout Dr. Baity's career have been psychological assessment, psychotherapy research, and outcome evaluation. Although initially focused on the validity of specific tests with personality disorders, he quickly developed an appreciation for working with the broad range of severe mental illnesses seen in hospital settings. His training in the Therapeutic Assessment Model and early work on a psychodynamic psychotherapy research team in graduate school generated interests in the therapeutic alliance and using assessment to predict early treatment termination.
- Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology, University of Arkansas
- Master of Arts in Psychology, University of Arkansas
- Bachelor of Arts cum laude, University of North Texas
- Dissertation
- Theory and Technique - Psychodynamic - Supervision
- Personality Assessment
- Sinclair, S., Messinger, J. Siefert, C., Antonius, D., Baity, M.R., Haggerty, G., Stein, M., & Blais, M.A. (2015). Neuropsychological functioning and profile validity on the Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI): An investigation in multiple psychiatric settings. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 79, pp. 305 – 334.
- Baity, M.R., Hsieh, A. L., & Swanson, M. S. (2018). Assessment Contexts. In S.R. Smith and R. Krishnamurthy (Eds.). Diversity-Sensitive Personality Assessment. New York, NY: Routledge.
- Jackson, S., Baity, M. R., Bobb, K., Swick, D., & Giorgio, J. (2019). Stress inoculation training outcomes among veterans with PTSD and TBI. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 11(8), 842–850.
- Jackson, S., Baity, M.R., Thomas, P.R., Barba, D., Jacobson, D., Goodkind, M,, Swick, D., & Ivey, A.S. (2021). Stress Inoculation Training (SIT-NORCAL), Part 1: The development and preliminary evaluation of a psychological performance training protocol, Journal of Special Operations Medicine, 21(4), pp. 37-45
- Jackson, S., Baity, M.R., Thomas, P.R., Barba, D., Jacobson, D., Goodkind, M,, Walker, M., Swick, D., Byrd, E., & Ivey, A.S. (2021). Stress Inoculation Training (SIT-NORCAL), Part 2: A pilot study among explosive ordinance disposal (EOD) special warfare enablers, Journal of Special Operations Medicine, 21(4), pp. 46-53.
Recent student-led projects:
- Bobb, K., Baity, M.R., Walsh-Messinger, J., Sinclair, S.J., Blais, M.A., Jacobo, M.C., Harley, R. (2016, March). Exploring the utility of the Level of Care Index (LOCI) across clinical settings. Paper presented at the Midwinter Meeting of the Society for Personality Assessment, Chicago, IL.
- Burns, J., Swanson, S., Lor, M., Schlinger, J., Pasha, S., Galvez, V., Fahey, J., Schumacher, J., Nicholson, V., Bobb, K., & Baity, M.R. (2017). Resiliency and post-deployment functioning in combat veterans. Poster presented at the Midwinter Meeting of the Society for Personality Assessment, San Francisco, CA.
- Bobb, K., Burns, J., Swanson, S., & Baity, M.R. (2018). Exploring resiliency in combat and non-combat veterans using the Ego Resiliency Scale-Revised (ER89-R). Poster presented at the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.
- Pillai, G., Miller, A., Bath, M., Baity, M.R., & Haggerty, G. (2023). Trait personality and psychopathology in inpatient adolescent samples. Poster presented at the Midwinter meeting of the Society for Personality Assessment, Austin, TX.
- Oliveira, C.G., Miller, A., Ackerman, S., & Baity, M.R. (2023). The impact of object relations, personality, and cognitive functioning on changes in psychoanalytic psychotherapy. Poster presented at the 42nd annual spring meeting of the Society for Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytic Psychology (Division 39), New York, NY.
- Dr. Baity is also the Training Director at Adventist Health Vallejo which is an acute inpatient facility and an advanced practicum placement for doctoral programs in the Bay Area. In addition to administrative responsibilities, Dr. Baity does individual supervision with psychology trainees, didactic training, and program evaluation.