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George Gharibian

Dr. George Gharibian has a doctoral degree in Counseling Psychology from the University of Memphis and a master’s degree in Marriage and Family Therapy from California State University, Northridge. He is a licensed psychologist in the state of California and provides psychotherapy in a private practice setting. His teaching and research interests include Intercultural Psychology, Immigration and Mental Health, Clinical Interventions, Theories of Personalities, Trauma, Mindfulness, and Family Therapy.  Furthermore, Dr. Gharibian has been involved in community outreach programs including the Eastern European and Middle Eastern subcommittee of the Los Angeles County’s Underserved Cultural Communities (UsCC).  Dr. Gharibian is also the Education Committee Chair of the Armenian American Mental Health Association (AAMHA). 

Professional Interests
  • Counselors’ Biases
  • Acculturation and Multicultural Issues in Children, Adults, and Families
  • Mindfulness
  • Generalized self-efficacy
  • Stress and Trauma.
Scholarship and Contributions to the Field
  • Gharibian, G., Burke E., Spinoza., S, & Babaian, M. (2019). Strangers at "home": Psychological homelessness in international migrants. Presentation at the APA convention. Chicago, IL.
  • Gharibian, G. Lee, B., & Gulgulyan, A. (2019). Mental Silence vs. Internal Dialogues: An Exploratory Study on the Benefits of Quieting the Mind. Presentation at the APA convention. Chicago, IL.
  • Lightsey, O. R., Gharibian Gharghani, G., Katz, A. M., McKinney, V. A., Rarer, E. B., (2012). "Positive Automatic Cognitions Mediate the Relationship Between Personality and Trait Positive Affect." Journal of Happiness Studies. Advance online publication. doi:10.1007/s10902-011-9319-x
  • Lightsey, O. R., McGhee, R., Ervin, A., Gharibian Gharghani, G., Rarey,E. B., Daigle, R. P., Wright, K. F., Constantin, D., & Powell, K. (2012). "Self-efficacy for affect regulation as a predictor of future life satisfaction and moderator of the negative affect—Life satisfaction relationship." Journal of Happiness Studies. Advance online publication. doi:10.1007/s10902-011-9312-4
  • Lui, L., Gharibian, G., Conover, C., Burke, E. (2018). Disclosing personal values and invisible identities to deepen diversity awareness. Conversation hour at American Psychology Association annual convention. San Francisco, CA.
  • Conover, C., Gharibian, G., Lui, L., & Fu, M. (2017). Teaching diversity: A conversation about instructor self-awareness, knowledge, and skills, and contextual factors. Conversation hour at NCSPP Conference. Las Vegas, NV.
  • Spinoza, S., Gharibian, G. (2018). Challenges for minority psychologists in the era of racist nativism. American Psychological Association annual conference. San Francisco, CA.