Dr. Elizabeth Watters is a licensed marriage and family therapist who graduated with their doctoral degree in Couple and Family Therapy from the University of Iowa. As an EMDR trained therapist, Dr. Watters specializes in working with trauma and complex PTSD and providing gender affirming services for LGBTQ+ individuals. Dr. Watters‚ research focus on examining the relationships between childhood trauma and biopsychosocial outcomes across the lifespan utilizing quantitative methodologies. They are particularly interested in resilience factors that can help mitigate the negative long-term effects people experience.
Professional Interests
- Childhood trauma
- Resilience factors
- Biopsychosocial outcomes
- Quantitative Methodologies
Education and Certifications
PhD, University of Iowa
- Licensed Associate Marriage and Family Therapist (Iowa #093116)
- American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy Member (#187873)
- National Council on Family Relations Member (#1191463)
- EMDR trained therapist
- Advanced Statistics 1
- Advanced Statistics 2
- Research Methods
Scholarship and Contributions to the Field
- Watters, E. R., Aloe, A., & Wojciak. A. S. (2021). "Examining the associations between childhood trauma, resilience, and depression: A multivariate meta-analysis." Journal of Trauma, Violence, & Abuse.
- Gamboni, C.M., Watters, E. R., Reed-Fitzke, K. (2021). "Gender, Religious, and Political Ideologies among Three-Generation Families: Implications for Family Conflict." Family Relations, 70(5), 1529-1545.
- Watters, E. R. & Martin, G. (2021). "Health outcomes following childhood maltreatment for an older adult population: An examination of the biopsychosocial model." Journal of Aging and Health, 33(7-8), 596-606.
- Reed-Fitzke, K., Withers, M. C., & Watters, E. R. (2021). "Longitudinal and intergenerational connections of self-esteem and depression among adult children and their parents." Journal of Adult Development, 28, 237-250.
- Watters, E. R., Gamboni, C. M., Rigby, A. L., & Becker, M. (2021). "Balancing contradictory roles: A qualitative examination of women in church, home, and work settings." Journal of Feminist Family Therapy, 33(4), 354-377.
- Watters, E. R. & Wojciak. A. S. (2020). "Childhood abuse and internalizing symptoms: Exploring mediating & moderating role of attachment, competency, and self-regulation." Children and Youth Services Review, 117, 105305.