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Alumni Spotlight:

Q&A with Brandon Guzman

California School of Education at Alliant International University

Master of Arts in Education ā€“ Education Specialist Credential

Professional Information

James Jordan Middle School in Los Angeles, CA

Q: How did your Alliant experience contribute to your career growth?

A: I believe my Alliant experience was one of professional development and connections. I was able to make use of the different types of assignments in the program to develop my skills. The support from professors came in the form of constructive feedback and one-on-one meetings.

Q: What do you enjoy most about your work?

A: I enjoy teaching because there is a challenge every day. I like trying to figure out the best ways to support students and develop their next steps.

Q: What inspires you to make a positive difference in the world?

A: I believe the only way to make the world a better place is to shine a bright light. Everyone deserves to the opportunity to succeed, and as teachers, we are using Alliant to develop positive strategies.

Q: Do you have any advice for current students?

A: For any person who is starting at Alliant, I have a few strategies that will help you be successful:

  1. Contact your professors each week and try to meet with them during office hours.
  2. Read the syllabus entirely and the rubric for each assignment.
  3. Review your IDP folder at the end of each quarter so that you collect all required materials.
  4. Be strategic with your time and always try to work ahead.
  5. Keep an open mind and communicate with classmates for support.
  6. Remember to always think big.

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